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DD's request, what are your thoughts? SM and BM's thoughts needed for this one!

Glassslipper's picture

DD13 asked about a month ago if i still had the wedding ring from my ex (her dad)
I told her I did, that I had tried to sell it, but it wasn't worth much so I just kept it to see if gold prices might go up again.
That's when she requested them, saying she would like to take them into the jeweler and have them changed into a necklace for her.
Divorce was final years ago, we both have been remarried several years now.
I said I would think about it. Wondering what other people think of the idea she had.


Delilah's picture

Thats a great idea. My mam gave me her wedding ring (my parents divorced in my teens) and I am going to make it into an eternity ring. Its special because it pays homage to your parents marriage, which while it eventually failed, they were still married, still your parents Smile

Glassslipper's picture

Funny, that's what my mom said when I asked her opinion, she said it celebrates the union that made DD, so she should have it.

Jsmom's picture

I think if it is not a really expensive ring do it and give to her for graduation. Before that she will probably lose it.

If it is worth something than give it to her when she gets engaged for her to have something recreated out of it. I am saving mine and late husbands for BS to have it re-done for when. He is ready to get engaged. It will save him a fortune.

Glassslipper's picture

It's not worth much at all, it cost maybe 1000.00 back in the day and the diamond is only 1/4 ct. Gold value is only 250.00 max.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I agree that it is important to her because it symbolizes what brought her to life. Nothing wrong with that. IMHO, it's probably the best end usage of that thing anyway.

I might tell her she can have it when she's 25 or 30 or something. If she gets it now, she may imbue it with magical teen powers that feed her fantasies of having her parents together. If she gets it when she's an adult, she may be mature enough to see it for what it is, something that was given and received in love that inaugurated her own personal origin story. But not a magic talisman to fixate on for wild teen dreams.

Not a hundred percent sure I would do it that way, but I would think long and hard about it.

Glassslipper's picture

That's a good idea, we have a son as well...
Melt them all down and make 2 of them, one for each kid, made out of the rings.
Sweet idea.
Just now to work up the courage to mention something besides strictly the kids to the ex...uh, maybe by

Glassslipper's picture

Thank you All for the ideas and reassurance that it's not creepy and the encouragement to ask him about his ring and maybe have something made for both kids. Smile

sasha101's picture

I offered my daughter my old wedding ring from mine and her dad's marriage and she said she didn't want it. Shes 22 and has had no contact with him since her teens as he was abusive to us both and she hates him. I thought I'd give her the opportunity to have it before getting rid of it and once she'd turned it down I sold it and put the money towards a holiday for dh and I. If she'd asked me for it I would gladly have given it to her - as someone else said, it symbolises where she came from. I think she'll want the rings from my marriage to dh - even though he's not her dad she thinks far more of him than she does her own dad and knows he and I are happy together.

luchay's picture

Yep I agree with everyone else.

My parents split when I was 15.

My mother had two wedding bands (don't remember why) - one she gave my sister with her eternity ring, and I got the other and her engagement ring. I still have them both and they do mean a lot to me.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

i WOULD wait until 16 birthday to do it too. 13 is kinda young for an expensive necklace

hangingbyathread6's picture

I sold my wedding set from my ex, but had the diamond from the engagement ring pulled out first as it was large and I thought maybe some day my son may like to have it. I also received a pearl necklace as a wedding gift the night before our wedding from my exH and a pearl bracelet to match a couple Christmas' later. I kept those also. Had the necklace made in to two bracelets for a total of three bracelets. My daughter will each get one on their wedding day, and my son on his to give to his bride if he so chooses. I can't stand my exH, but our union to produce three amazing kids, and they deserve a token of that IMO