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Any change in Bm once they hit 25/26?

msg1986's picture

So I read an article today that said that the rational part of a humans brain isn't fully developed until he/she is around 25 yrs old or so. With that being said, for those of you that came into your skids lives when the bm/biodad was younger than 25, did you see a change in their ways once they hit 26 or older?

Such a weird question I know, but Bm will be 26 at the end of this year and I have to wonder if she will ever start behaving like an adult. So, did your Bm's/biodads seem to mellow out or did that crazy just keep getting crazier? haha Wink


DaizyDuke's picture

I don't believe there is a crazy dial that gets turned down once a person reaches a certain age. I think once one is of the crazy variety, they generally stay that way if not get worse. BM1 is 38 and she is nuttier than ever (but I guess it could be the drugs) and BM2 is 40 and still the crazy cult lady. She's just toned it down with DH now that she has her 23 year old hubby to keep her busy.

momandmore's picture

BM2 will be 26 in a few days. No change when she turned 25 and well.. Sorry but she's still a crazy bitch : /

hangingbyathread6's picture

Well I'm just screwed then....Cuntree is 42. This is really as smart and intelligent as she is going to get?


MissElphaba's picture

GHSH is approaching 40 and she still acts like a 13 year old. Sometimes I think her offspring is more put together than she is.

bearcub25's picture

Hell, I'm 52 and act like a child when DSO messes up a skid free nite or weekend.

Age doesn't always equal maturity.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

BM is almost 38 and has the emotional development of a child. No joke. This is very common with BPD/NPDs. Her 10-year-old has probably surpassed her by now. Her 16-year-old never will.

BSgoinon's picture

That's how old BM was when DH left her, he said she changed after she had SS, lazy, didn't want to work or help around the house. She's now 36, and her brain is less developed than it was 10 years ago. But... I guess drugs will do that to you.

misSTEP's picture

BM has never changed and I doubt if she ever will. What changed was she found a guy who would allow her to boss him around and make all the decisions while he makes all the money.

Silent River's picture

I have read that the cognitive part of the brain really is not fully developed until mid to late 20's and I totally believe this. Why do so many people from my generation say "I wish I could go back and be 20 something, but know now what I didn't know then."??? I think many of us have small regrets on how things were handled and how they could have been better thought out. Why do teens and early twenties do some really crazy, not so well thought out stuff? They do not think of the consiquences to their actions. This is all part of it. There are some pretty sad stories in the news about young people who made one dumb choice that changed their entire life in a very bad way, one dumb choice that if they could turn back the hands of time...if they would have thought before acting, the choice would have been so different. I know of one who started a wild fire so he could put out a fire with his father (both were on the volunteer fire department and he wanted his dad's attention). It was a stupid thing, a match...and, oh my gosh his life is pretty much ruined. No one died but many acres were burned, and a house, and he is in jail and has a $2,000,000 bill on top of legal fees. What a waste of a life. I know of another one on trial for murder because he shot his step father in law in self defense. It was self defense. SFIL was coming at him, but un armed from outside a vehile. The self defender could have driven away but freaked and has now done a number on his own life. He was a good person, too. Just an un-thought out choice in a moment of pressure. Very sad. They do not think in a mature way until the get older.

tiny kitten's picture

BM turned 26 this past December. She's still a nasty, crazy bitch.

hereiam's picture

Well, maturing and becoming sane are really two different things. BM over here has done neither and she's in her forties. Luckily, we do not deal with her anymore.

thinkthrice's picture

The Girhippo will be turning 44 this month. Still as juvenile and narcissistic as ever. Still treating her children as adult confidants and besties.

Still treating her moneybags 2nd husband like a 5th wheel (literally after the first four wheels, herself and her three almost adult children)