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I was doing my best to stay in this marriage...but im not anymore? i just don't care and neither does he.

jstorie's picture

Things have been rough the past several years. The sd14 has acted out. got sent off more than once. but the fact is She is his daughter. and there is NO ONE else to keep her. bm is a low life that had all contact revoked from her crazy ass. Normally i would say great but now im just like what are we supposed to do.? All the problems in our marriage WERE from her. not anymore. dh has been without a job since september. putting the strain on us. we took out so many loans that when our taxes came back all of it went there. SO we are caught up and now we are going to fall back behind. on top of that add all the problems of sd. im tired and im wore out. im doing house work constantly. he said he stopped doing housework becuase i never thanked him. i always found someting else to bitch about. I have become and evil witch. im great with my boys. but everybody else. i have an attitude. a go fuck yourself attitude. and i don't know how to change it. i don't know if its worth changing. we are in a rut. a bad bad rut. i work. come home to a dirty house. clean some of it he cooks. i get boys bathed and in bed. he plays the computer. i watch 2 shows i go to bed. i have NO urge for sex. i don't need it and could care less for it. so anybody have any ideas? anyone been here?


Ninji's picture

First off, Lame excuse that he stopped doing house work because he wasn't thanked. Does he thank you for going to work everyday and putting a roof over his and his daughters head and food in their stomachs? Lazy ass man you got on your hands.

hereiam's picture

What did you say to him when he said he stopped doing housework because he doesn't get thanked?

misSTEP's picture

In my version of "marriage," each partner pulls their own weight. It may or may not be his fault he is out of a job. But until he gets another one, he'd damn sure BETTER pull his weight in other ways.

It's nice to be thanked for being a mature grown-up and doing what most self respecting mature adults do. But to NOT do it because you AREN'T being thanked?? That shows immaturity. Who would clean if he lived alone? SD?? (lol)

He needs to shape up or GTFO. Like a previous poster said, "Has he thanked you for being the primary bread winner?" If not, does that mean you can up and quit YOUR job?? His job right now should be doing a vast majority of the cleaning, the errand running, etc etc etc.

jstorie's picture

I told him last night that we both expect thank you's when neither one of us should. we do what we need to and thats that. in our hearts we should know we are thankful. and it should better the relationship if we stop expecting it. I told him that all the back biting is ridiculous and neither one of us can chill. untill that starts getting worked on our relationship is unstable that affects us and the children so we need to decide what is a good starting step.