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another round.

jstorie's picture

i thought it would be a really good idea to go out of town this weekend. the family. have a change of scenery. I WAS WRONG. Princess threw a FIT she didn't want to go she wanted to go to her me-me's. me-me said no you have a family trip.I had spent 300 on a two night stay at a hotel with a splash pad and hot tub. i know that my sd14 is a little old for an inside splash pad. but i also bought tickets to a movie, and sky zone indoor trampolene park. well guess what she didn't want to participate in anything. all she wanted to do is have that stupid remote and watch divergent on hbo the ENTIRE Time. my dh and i went downstairs for 7 mins. we took my 2 year old. my 5 year old was playing his tablet. by the time i came back up the elevator i hear princess yelling at him. all becuase he wanted her to play fruit ninja with him. but all she wanted was divergent. (i have the movie at home!)

when we got home the dog tore up the house and pooped several times in her room. Princess said i shouldn't have to help anyone clean. yes my 2 and 5 year old cleaned their room and helped with the living room. since the we recieved a $500 ticket for truency for tardies. 23 tardies this 9 weeks! her only passing grade is computers with a 65% all other grades 30's and 40's. she refuses hygeine. she won't do what was set up for her to help like an agenda or a special organizational class.
dad made her do sentences for it. she refused up till midnight still didn't get them done. her dad spanked her good for the first time in a long time for yelling at me. and backtalking him. Princess isn't "mature" enough to be home by herself. that per her dad.

so check this out.

called my MIL to see how my 2 year old was today dh had a job interview and school was out becuase weather is awful. guess what mil got called in to work. MY 2 YEAR OLD WAS LEFT ALONE WITH PRINCESS!!! IM PISSED. SHE HITS SCREAMS THROWS FITS. HURTS HERSELF. Y IS MY CHILD ALONE WITH HER!!!!!!

O did my dh get an earful! he cried. im so sorry. are you leaving me is this your breaking point. i said yes it is im so fucking done with this shit!

he bawled. i hung up im at work and i have to keep composure. he called me 2 hours later. can we please talk. i said what. he said i need you to have my back at counsling tonight.!!!

WTH? Im not going to counsling to hear princess cry. everyone hates her blah blah BLAH. We don't treat her like family. she wants to be treated like her brothers. BLAH BLAH BLAH.....he said "Please i have something important to say and i want us all on the same page."

So im going im interested to see what he is going to say.

Pray i don't go insane!


luchay's picture

Oh my LORD - he wants you to have his back at counselling tonight. WTF.

Go, I am curious too!

but don't feel obliged to have his back.

jstorie's picture

counsling was a freakin crock! i didn't even need to be there. he started off by going in there i asked if he wanted me to come. he didn't say so i sat in the waiting room with princess. he was in there 30 min. then she went in for 30 mins. then we all went in for an hour i walked out. she cried i always do this. i got pissed said im willing to try but if your not going to it doesn't matter. if you cant come up with a solution then what is the point. it was her bawling telling me i was the bad one. i didn't need to go it was worse as if i hadn't come

jstorie's picture

she won't do the homework or goals. and none of the punishments are working and i just wanted a break from the fighting. i was dumb to think it would work.

but i am sick of her not doing anything.