It's been a long time; SD15 is still a brat
Last time I blogged, I was still pregnant with my baby. He's seven months old now. He has been through six major surgeries; one back closure for Spina Bifida and five brain surgeries for hydrocephalus and shunts placed and removed. He has remained out of the hospital now for over two months.
SD15 was an attention-seeking psycho the entire time. From being bitchy IN the NICU the one time she was brought up to visit the baby (she said she thought I was criticizing her so she had to pay-back me...), excuse me,but my then three week old baby had a fucking tube coming out of his BRAIN draining into a fucking bag and a giant incision on his back and I have a lot more things to think about than trying to offend YOU princess.
While staying at in-laws she wrote about how she's a broken dreamer (LMAO) and of course cuts herself (see me roll my eyes here).
She's on Abilify and another mood stabilizer and antidepressant and she's still a shitty person that I don't like being around but am forced to care for and do for and "not give up on". Three more years and I'm done.
I repeated "go to your room" 20 yes TWENTY times in a calm, quiet, monotone unemotional voice and SD15 flat out refused and back talked and mouthed off to me every time.
I'm done. I wish she'd just leave. I am stuck alone with this girl and I get her 24/7/365; no visitation with mommy and DH works constantly. DH does the best he can but he can't quit work and stay home with her. He's fed up to the point that he doesn't even want to be around her when he doesn't have to right now. He works 13 hours with a long drive home and there she is and he loves his daughter but he is tired and frustrated. No one raises their voices at her at all.
Oh and she's now told me that she tells her therapist she needs help coping with me because I "treat her like a dog" and I verbally abuse her. I told DH if she pulled that "abused" crap again, I'd leave or put up nanny cams, so we're putting up nanny cams and he said if she goes back the way she was 2012-2013 he will send her to live with crazy-pants BM.
Now see, I'm torn on doing the best we can for SD15 and just being DONE. She won't take a shower for a WEEK unless I tell her repeatedly and she won't do her homework unless someone holds her hand - now she's had an IEP meeting and she is so thrilled with the attention! She wallows in anything she perceives as wrong-doing toward her and she paybacks you big time, and she lives for PITY. The teachers have to fill out this paper every Friday saying if she turned in her homework and write down her grades... it's fucking kindergarten with a 170 lb 5'4" 15 year old that won't shower and when she does she doesn't wash her face then she wants to get all up on me and hug me and breathe in my face and the baby's face. Then she says "Whaaat?? :)" She knows WTF she's doing the whole time and she's played me like a fiddle.
I'm done with borderline princess. When she wants to go on and on and come up with these BS things I will just shut my mouth and look at her. I will not repeat myself anymore, just stare blankly. If she keeps going, I'll just take the babies and leave.
I sort of wish she had hit me that day when I was 8 months pregnant and she stood over me and said "You're such a... you know what you are..." and reared her fist back. I WISH she had hit me because she would be gone now. During that exchange, all I said to her was "go to your room" in an emotional-less calm voice.
- Annanymous's blog
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Oh my land! So sorry that
Oh my land! So sorry that you had to deal with this nasty girl while going through all of this with your new son! She sounds positively awful! Does she EVER go to BMs? Do you EVER get a break from her?
ETA: oops sorry, I missed the 24/7/365... ugh!
does she have any friends?
No, I have her NONSTOP. She
No, I have her NONSTOP. She makes friends, but she unloads all of her drama on them immediately from "aw I was raped when I was six and my stepmother abuses me and my father ignores me" (BM was married to the SF during the time SD claims she was abused - she came out saying she was abused *AFTER she was caught telling two boys she was raped "every night for five years" -not possible, and telling them each copy/pasted how they were the only person in the whole world to love and care for her and she'd have nothing and have to kill herself if they weren't there (she was 12). This also happened after a friend of hers told her that she'd been molested by her father and he was in prison is why she lived with an aunt. Well, this friend got a WHOLE LOT of attention...
She does not go anywhere, ever. I would pay people to be her friend and take her away for a weekend.
She is mad that I won't leave her alone with my toddler and/or infant. FUCK THAT SHIT HELL NAW. The ER DR when I was first pregnant told me never leave my baby alone with her she was insanely jealous and had said (about toddler when I was pregnant with him 2012) she said "Gosh if demons in my arms squeezed and killed him it wouldn't be MY FAULT". Yeah, no
No words of wisdom here; I'm
No words of wisdom here; I'm not sure I could take it...
Just wanted to say that I really hope it all turns out for the best with your bio: the son of a colleague of mine was born with the same problem and he is fully functional, so, keep your hopes high!!
Thanks, it's just pitiful
Thanks, it's just pitiful that she has been extremely jealous and attention-seeking through both my pregnancies and had nearly caused us to divorce in 2012. She's made false allegations and said I pushed her and called her names and verbally abused her.
I hate her, but I am nice and distant in the home.
I think you are a saint for
I think you are a saint for putting up with her, considering the problems you have been dealing with regarding your child.
Wow. Not sure that I have any
Wow. Not sure that I have any advice, but my heart goes out to you. *hugs*
You and your DH must be so
You and your DH must be so stressed out. If she claims she is self-harming, could you admit her for a 72-hour psychiatric eval? At least she'd be out of your hair for a little bit.