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Another question - How many BMs out there lied about their divorce?

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Many thoughts today. Need to get them out before they fester.

BM is our case is, as per my previous blog entry, mad. Nothing can ever be her fault.

YSS is now living with us. He and DH were having a chat about is coping skills, etc and YSS asked "Why did you leave Mom for TheAccidentalSM? It really hurt us" DH, who told me about it later, said he just sat there for a few seconds with his mouth hanging open is shock while he tried to think of what to say.

After getting his jaw off the floor he started asking YSS why did he think that and asking him questions to help him remember that time. (YSS was only 5 or 6) They walked through visitation set ups, remembering DH putting him to bed and doing story time before the divorce, holidays with DH and the other boys post divorce.

About an hour later, YSS says "You weren't having an affair, were you? You were there for us every night after work until the divorce. I didn't meet TheAccidental until I was about 8/9. Mom was lying." "What else was she lying about?"

Luckily, I wasn't present or I might have answered "Everything"

Glad that YSS now knows the truth but why do these women do this to their kids?(Retorical question)


Sootica's picture

SS in our case has on numerous occasions caught BM lying. He hasn't however quite cottoned on to his parent's splitting up because BM was (& still is) a lying cheating whore. However as I always say "good things come to those who wait!" }:)

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Speaking in tongues?

I guess she's erased her past now she is "saved"

Completely agree on the invisibility of married men. Great way of putting it.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Another "nutter on the bus".

Why would you make something like that up?

TheAccidentalSM's picture

}:) }:) }:)

In another chat with YSS, he mentioned that BM might marry her latest SO and that it would be her 3rd marriage.

DH said "No, that'll be number 5"
YSS :jawdrop:

She had two failed marrages before she married DH. I've known for years but also knew not to tell the boys.

YSS told me later about his conversation with DH and tried to say that being married 5 times made his BM a slut. I had to shut that down straight away. I may not respect the woman but no way does her son ever call his BM something like that. YSS recieved the message and corrected his behaviour and language (at least in front of me).

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I completely agree and this was part of the learning experience conversation we had.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Isn't that the definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result?

Somuchdrama's picture

BM did this. She was the one that was cheating and wanted the divorce thinking her affair partner would leave his wife and marry her. She told the skids it was DH that cheated (thank goodness not with me, I was no where near the end of their marriage). Anyway, the skids believe BM, I think they don't want to think about the fact that BM is a whore that ruined 2 marriages. Meanwhile BM is still chasing the affair partner and DH and I have been happily married for years.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Good for your SO for bucking the trend.

Feel sorry for your SS being COD in a conservative town. Does he feel like the odd one out with his friends? I certainly did growing up as the only family where the parents were divorced. (And I mean the only one, divorce wasn't legal in our country. Only possible because my parents had married in another country and had to go abroad to get the divorce) Didn't harm me in the end but it might be something to keep an eye on.

Now I live in a huge city so nobody cares about about anyone elses business.

WTF...REALLY's picture

BM lies about everything.....
money, men, jail, court, where she is living, stabbing someone, money, did I say money already.

Thank go we are done with Denture Debbie in the money department. Hubby had to give alimony for 5 years! Last year she asked for a lump sum. Had to take a loan for 10,000.00. She blew it all in a few short months.

No more money for Denture Debbie from us. Now the horrible woman has to work has to work. Hahaha

fedupstep's picture

SD16's BM told her she and her dad split up was because he refused to get a job. Meanwhile he was working at HER family business and had a part time job on the weekends. DH told me they split up because BM was cheating on him. I don't think SD knows the truth but because their stories are so far apart, I'm not even sure I believe either of them.