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OT - does anybody realise what today is?

luchay's picture

I cannot believe we have not heard of this before!


luchay's picture

Super size jar of nutella would be the way to go I reckon.... maybe hot chocolate made with nutella (ex-OH used to do this - grosses me out - hot milk and a large spoonful of nutella, never tried it but he reckons it was (nearly) as good as my hot chilli chocolate - I beg to differ. Nothing beats my hot chilli chocolate!)

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'd like to stuff a super size jar of nutella up PrincASS15's nose holes? }:)

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh no, NOT POPCORN!! Woman, you have NO idea what a nightmare it is when those little shi'theads have popcorn. I swear, we find pieces of popcorn for WEEKS afterwards. No no HELLNO to popcorn!!