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Found the email address of one of the spammers!

CBCharlotte's picture

The newest Kansas City BS Spammer is from Total Scribe. Did some googling and found their owners email address. Shall we let her know how much we appreciate her spamming our site?


CBCharlotte's picture

Here is my note to our new friend:


For the love of god, PLEASE STOP SPAMMING STEPTALK.ORG!!!!!!! I don't know if it is you or if you paid some marketing company, but you/they are a complete moron. Hardly anyone on this INTERNATIONAL forum is from Kansas City, and if you have half a brain you would realize that we don't need professional medical transcription services, we need professional counseling. For F*cks Sake GO AWAY!!!!!


CBCharlotte's picture

Also if anyone would like to sign our pal Debbie up for some spam, either email or regular mail, here is some additional info. I will be doing this for every spammer who comes on here. Enjoy.

Debbie McCarty
1200 SW Madison St.
Lees Summit, MO 64081 - View Map
Phone: (816) 607-9414

Drac0's picture

Here's Mine,

Hey Debbie! Want to grow an extra 4 to 9 inches to your penis? Sure you do! Subscribe now and we will give you this miracle penis growth treatment that people in Ajarkaplakistan have been using for centuries! It is all naural! No chemicals and no adverse side effects. It was featured on Dr. Oz and even Dr. Oz has endorced it!

Read these true testimonies:

"My wife has never been happier!"
--Eddie Longshaft of New York

"I'm so happy, I can use urinals next to other men without feeling ashamed"
-- Holmy Rod of San Francisco

"It's like having a third leg!"
-- Bobby Bishop of Miami

Subscribe now! What are you waiting for?

CBCharlotte's picture

Maybe it is just me, but I am super vengeful. Someone tried to pull one of those money order scams on me when I was renting a vacation home. I tracked him down (guy was an idiot and easy to find). Then I called his employer, his apartment complex, his HOA, and contacted a number of family members and let them know the scam he was running. I made sure to let his employer and apartment management company know that what he was doing was illegal, and if he is doing it on their property or with any of their equipment, they can be held responsible as well.

If you mess with CBCharlotte, you WILL regret it. These scammers need to learn they will NOT be tolerated.

I've already signed our pal Debbie up for an email service where she gets 12 emails or more a minute. Any other spammer who posts on this site from this point forward will meet similar justice if I can track them down. Hopefully they will learn that this is NOT the place to spam.