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Blog Hogging/DD's screaming *update

msg1986's picture

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded to my post regarding Dd and her tantrums/screaming. I showed Dh this post last night and we decided to mash everything up and test it out lol. When she screams/throws tantrum we're going to look her the eyes and firmly tell her no and then ignore her behavior to show that she will not get any reaction/reward for behaving that way... We'll see how it goes-we're testing it out beginning last night and I let the babysitter know as well. This morning she did pretty well. She seemed shocked when she started screaming at me for her breakfast and I told her "No, You do not yell at me." and surprisingly she stopped. So, so far, so good. Smile

Again though, thank you so much for all of your advice. Fingers crossed this works and I don't have to resort to beating her... lol. That was obviously a joke Smile haha. Thank you!!!


msg1986's picture

LOL! Sounds like Dd, she gets angry when we tell her not to smack the dogs or pull their tails. These kids!!!

Willow2010's picture

Fingers crossed this works and I don't have to resort to beating her... lol
LOL!! Good luck!