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Mother's Day/Father's Day Question

they call me stacy's picture

I'm looking for experiences/opinions on how to handle the Mother's Day/Father's Day schedule. My DH's CO is very vague about these two days, while all other holidays have set dates & times for pickup/dropoff. In the past, BM has simply withheld SD from DH for both Mother's Day AND Father's Day (so SD could spend Father's Day with SF, who she's forced to call "dad"). This year, with the new CO and motions of contempt and possible jail time hanging over BM's head, she has (so far) been sticking to the CO. So here's my question:

The CO simply states: "Mother's Day and Father's Day, the day of celebration with the appropriate parent regardless of the regular weekend schedule." That's it. No pickup/dropoff times, nothing. So DH and BM will have to work that out themselves, which will be interesting considering they can never agree on anything. SD will be with us on Mother's Day weekend this year. She will also be with us on Father's Day weekend, so that isn't actually an issue just yet.

How do you all do the Mother's Day/Father's Day transfer? Is it the night before, so SKs wake up & spend all day at that parent's house? Or is it from a certain time that morning to a certain time that evening?


LuluOnce's picture

For Mother's Day and Father's Day, if the skids aren't already with the appropriate parent for the day, the skids will be picked up by or dropped off at the appropriate parents house within an hour of waking. Then the skids are returned to the custodial parent of the day an hour before bedtime. BM and FDH can't stand each other, argue over everything (well, she argues and he ignores) but so far they've held up to this agreement, despite the fact that the language in the CO is vague about pickup and drop off times on these days.

I know what works for one stepfamily won't always work for another, but hopefully that provides a little insight.

they call me stacy's picture

Thank you!
What keeps one parent from saying the kids have slept later than they actually have?

they call me stacy's picture

One would hope so! I really feel that whatever they work out is fine, but it should be the same for both days.
After deciding on a meeting time, do you just have SKs stay the night with the appropriate parent? Or do they come home to the parent whose time it is?

ChiefGrownup's picture

We always have both skids for both days. BM does not want her own children for mother's day. I have personally seen her turn it out down every year since I've known DH.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

That's laughable! I would actually laugh but I know better- my ex husband never wants my sons for fathers day. Can't remember one year when he had them. So we turn it into the celebration of their stepfather and go play ping pong in the city.

momandmore's picture

Same here. Then we would get 30 voicemail and texts from BM complaining about it not having them ..from the bar.

momandmore's picture

DH and BMs CO stated to follow the state guidelines which said that father got the full wknd on Father's Day and mother was granted the same foe Mother's Day. P/U and drop off were at the regular times.