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Alert!! Future Mini-Wife in training!

princessmofo's picture

Somehow I, and I imagine most of you, found this less funny than the local news or the parents did... A true mini-wife in the making. God forbid the parents ever divorce.


princessmofo's picture

Did you catch the little girl telling the mother to "stop talking to me" and putting her hand up? Yea, so glad I don't have daughters...

princessmofo's picture

Exactly! There seems to be this growing trend of putting adult emotions into toddlers and then thinking it's "adorable". It's not. It's deplorable. And it sets these kids up to buy into this entire entitlement attitude because they feel they are on the same footing as the adults. I don't get it, smh...

idkwhattodonow's picture

Not funny at all. Reminds me of my stb Ex with my stb ex skid's....His middle daughter is very much like that, yet she really does think she will marry her daddy. :sick: I never knew this was called Mini wife syndrome. That is hysterical. Guess that is what I had been dealing with, with one of my (stb ex)skid's...Well with me leaving him, maybe she can, LOL Smile

Ninji's picture

SS8 tells used to tell me every once in a while that he wanted to marry me when he grew up. Actually on Christmas him and SD were playing a game and he was knight and wanted to marry me. Smile

WTF...REALLY's picture

I too find it normal. Its the three year old mind at work figuring out how it all works. And you can see the mom is expanding it. They just showed the funny couple of minutes of it.