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Some quotes for SMs

zerostepdrama's picture

"I'm too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is any greener."

If we (and I say we because I am guilty of being jealous at times too) spent more time worrying about our own lives, our own marriages, our own houses, our own bio kids, etc we wouldnt care what BM has.

Now I know with CS going out the door and BMs not using it for what it should be used for, it affects us SMs, etc. But really, why spend any of your time worrying about this shit?

Another quote "If you dont like something, change it. If you cant change it, change the way you think about it."

Step life sucks at times. Learn to deal with it, move on or be miserable.


Stepping off my soap box.

Anyone else have any quotes, words of wisdom to add?


BSgoinon's picture

My quote for the day "you can't kill me with kindness, I don't buy it".

BM is on a "kill them with kindness" kick. Which would be GREAT if she didn't follow it up with shit talking to SS about us.

So every time DH gives her a fact, or a piece of information that she does not like or doesn't agree with she replies "have a great day" and then follows up with a conversation with SS about why his dad is such a jerk (SS has told us). But... you can't say kill em with kindness and then pull that crap 5 minutes later. That's not "kind".

zerostepdrama's picture

I like this one as well! This applies more to DH and when the skids would come over.

Tuff Noogies's picture

here's another one - "Peace - it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work, it means to be in the midst of thos things and still be calm in your heart."

Glassslipper's picture

"What part of divorce don't you understand"

ie: you can't just have what you want, when you want, how you want it, because your the "golden uterus", you knew you were getting a divorce and that would result in you not seeing or "controlling" your children 50% of the time. So pull up your big girl panties and deal with it!

Glassslipper's picture

Thanks Meerkat...I hate to admit where I heard the quote and learned the lesson though... :O

luchay's picture

You know what though. It applies to the dumbass FATHERS as well.

Don't divorce the damned woman, lost 100% time with your kids then blame ME and bitch at me because YOU got a divorce. If you wanted to be in their lives every damned second you would have made your first marriage work.

"it's NOT my fault. I'm JUST the Sm."

blayze's picture

A love letter to SM's
(Note: It's My Life by Bon Jovi plays in the background whenever you say this quote.)
"Before you say YES to others, be sure you're not saying NO to yourself."

To all those (non-SM-friends) who give idiotic advice like: y'all should just get custody of his kids :O
"Your opinion is not my reality."

And lastly, say this to any man who acts like he deserves a medal for doing what a man is supposed to do:
"Mediocrity doesn't impress me."

Glassslipper's picture

HA! That reminds me of something I read that said "the grass is always greener around the septic tank"


Glassslipper's picture


Glassslipper's picture

My Dad's common sayings:

You can't expect a fair deal from a man not playing with a full deck

Sometimes you just have to say "oh well, what the hell"

I often will mumble "Oh my, you would think I threw a glass slipper at the poor thing"