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Surprise Surprise, Bm called the lawyer...

msg1986's picture

So after days of dodging her calls, Bm called Dh's lawyer back. I guess Dh's lawyer wanted to discuss maybe having Bm sign a parenting plan to avoid going to court. The lawyer said Bm called her sounding all chipper and pleasant giving her her sob story about how she was in hospital and na na na. She also advised the lawyer that she's still "working" on her response but she'll be sending her a letter "soon"... Bm has until Friday the 26th so we'll see if she follows thru with that... I'm wondering if she thinks that just because she called the lawyer and gave a sob story, that she doesn't HAVE to respond by Friday, like she'll be given leniency. I don't know? Maybe she will actually respond, you never know.

Also, Bm posted tons of pictures of her torn esophagus... like the pictures they take when they put a camera down your throat. I don't know what to even think about that. I know it doesn't matter what I think and again the only reason I'm monitoring her Fb/instagram is because of court and she posts EVERYTHING online. Just seems like she wants attention and is making it bigger than what it was. It's so strange. These next fews weeks should be very interesting...


msg1986's picture

Ooh yeah, I've never really looked at her Fb until 2 weeks ago or so and from what it seemed, Bm has a lot of "friends" but no one really responds to her posts, likes her selfies or really pays attention to her in general. After this weekends brigade of selfies in hospital gowns, hospital rooms and pictures of IV's, Bm's Fb page has been lighting up like a Xmas tree with generic "how are you/we love you/praying for you's" and it's very apparent that she's revelling in it. It's pretty sad...

Thank you, I appreciate that. Smile

msg1986's picture

Thank you, it's def tough to be going thru all of this, esp during this time of year.

Right? It would have been better if she just agreed to meet Dh half way on sundays and none of this would be going on. Up until a few months ago, it was a pain going so far but BM started demanding Dh drop off/pick up Ss at different places that were even further from her house and then she started calling/texting for Dh to pick up/drop off Ss at a totally different place last minute-like we're talking, Dh literally a few blocks from wherever she said she'd be. Not cool. It's like she was getting a kick out of Dh having to follow her wherever she said because she couldn't be consistent.

msg1986's picture

LOL... You're going to get a kick out of this. Dh is asking for:

1. Vistation to continue to be every weekend-Friday @ 5 to Sunday @ 5 (what's it's been since Ss was 3 mo's old-just wants a CO so she cannot withhold Ss.

2. Dh pick up Ss from Bm's address (not wherever she decides to be) Fridays @ 5. Bm to pick up Ss from our address on Sundays @ 5.

3. Dh to have Ss for Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas every other year.

4. Dh to claim Ss on taxes every other year

5. Communication to be email/OFW.

That's. it. This shouldn't even have to go to court...