Christmas blogs have me wondering
So many of us wonder and get upset when skids do not give to their bio or siblings and get hurt when they ignore us, the step-parent.
When speaking of the weekend bio, either BM or BF. How much does the Disney parenting play apart?!? When you raise your child making them believe their feelings are most important, that your feelings don't matter, that you will be over for them, that they don't have to respect you or your house or your partner... Why is any of us surprised???!?! This kids have not been raised to think of anyone else.
I have had some rsally rediculous examples of this.. DH picking out gifts and saying they are from SGD. SGD refusing to be in a picture on my birthday but begging for a picture of just her and DH. Her refusing to have anything to do with getting DH birthday presents and then acting like I didn't let her. SGD waiting by our bedroom door until DH got up on his birthday (he worked nights at the time) and making sure she dragged him to the balloons I got him, telling him they were for him. SGD pulling the girl from class all the way up to seating at a performance just to only introduce DH and pretend she doesn't know me or my bios.
Isn't it all just part of the continued game the skids play?!?! Oh, I feel sooo uncomfortable asking SM/SD to take me. Or the other side were they have just not been raised to care about others, it's all about them so why would they be different one day a year?? Or two or three if we include Father's Day and birthdays.
This behavior is only a symptom of the problem.
- Biomomof2's blog
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The really sad cases are when
The really sad cases are when the SM/ skid problem are because of DH. My exH had major issues and really still does with his dd liking me. Hell, he has problems with my own kids liking me. He was the cause of all the problems. ExSD just came out this summer and spent a week at my house visiting her bro and sis. Their dad doesn't want them to have anything to do with each other. I ease-dropped on a conversation between DD and ex-Sd. It was DD asking her big sister is big sis had the same problems with dad and she does and what big sis did about it. ExSD never put down dad but gave DD some really good advice. Same advice I have given but you know... I'm mom and his ex. So DD got some good advice from his other DD on how to deal with BF. And they built a good bond. ExSD and her mom and I can all get along great now that BF isn't trying to put us all against each other.