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Animals are disposable.

bi's picture

SD and her DH got a cat when SD was pregnant for BJ. Then they got rid of the cat because they couldn't handle his meowing at night. You can't handle a cat meowing, but you're going to have a baby? Good idea.

She got a dog from her mom a while back. She is now trying to find a new home for the dog because she just can't handle it on top of a toddler and a newborn coming any day, and it's just all too much right now.

She said the puppy is 5 months old. Which means she was pregnant when they got it. So why the fuck did they get it knowing full well that they had a kid and would soon have 2? That is so fucking irresponsible and it pisses me off to NO end. Stop getting animals and then getting rid of them when you decide taking care of them is too much trouble. It isn't fair to the animal, and it's not fair to let her kid(s) get attached to an animal and then get rid of it like it's disposable. God they are so fucking immature!


bi's picture

Yup. She wants to be pregnant and have a newborn forever. Well the pregnancy ends and then you just have a newborn. The newborn grows and then you have a baby, who then turns into a toddler, the newness is worn off, the attention from other people starts to dwindle, so that means it's time to get pregnant again, so you can have 9 months of pregnancy attention, followed by a couple months of newborn attention, then about 10 more months of baby attention. I'm not sure that she realizes there will come a day when there will be no more pregnancies or babies of her own. Until then, I don't see an end to this cycle in sight....

bi's picture

Yeah, I went into parenthood knowing my kids would grow up and become adults someday. Sure, it's sad when they won't cuddle with you and hold your hand anymore, but it will be followed by a new stage that has its own wonderful things to experience. My oldest is in college and it is very exciting to be the mother of a college student! SD was mourning last year because BJ was nearing his first bday and it was the end of the world to her. Can't just be grateful that he's healthy and made it to his first bday, no, she has to be all sad and act like someone died because BJ isn't a "baby" anymore. She is so ungrateful for what she has.

bi's picture

I honestly think that when this kid that will be here next month reaches about 6 months, she'll be talking babies again.

zerostepdrama's picture

Same thing with OSD.

Got pregnant. Got a puppy (Pit bull). Had baby. Got pregnant again 3 months after having Baby #1, got another pit bull. Then got rid of dog #2. Then when she was about to give birth to baby #2, got rid of Pit #1.

I'd rather people give up their pets to someone who can better care for them then for them to keep them and not take care of them at all and neglect them.

tryingmom's picture

I hate this!!! I see it all the time and it just gets my blood boiling.

BM does this, 2 cats, 3 dogs, all "gone" because she couldn't handle them. Now she has 3 dogs and them seem to be ok with them, for now.

Ljcapp1's picture

My good friend is with second chance and she said the main excuse for ppl getting rid of animals is the new baby coming. But yea how irresponsible of her...

Evil stepmonster's picture

I wish there was a way to ban people from owning pets. A friend of mine works at the city shelter, she says most of the dogs they have were adopted out as puppies, but once they get into the chewing and barking stages people bring them back and say it's just to much work. Really? You thought caring for a living breathing thing would be a cake walk?

Ljcapp1's picture

I had a dog that did this too. Try bitters...Spray it on the parts he likes to chew every couple of days and if your house is wood sided like mine - you can bondo the holes.

misSTEP's picture

Our BM used pets as pawns, just like the skids. The day I was to meet the skids for the first time, she went and got a puppy (maybe it was a kitten?) just a FEW HOURS before we came to get them. SD cried for hours until we finally took her back home. Of course, WE didn't know she had done that until later so I was distressed thinking that it was upsetting her so much to meet me.

BM got rid of that pet when she decided to take them to Disneyland/vacation for a MONTH, taking them out of school and not telling DH where they went! When it was convenient for her again, she got another pet.

I made damn sure that the skids realized that the pets we had were FAMILY MEMBERS and are with us until DEATH...not until they were inconvenient!

MissElphaba's picture

That's so sad...I'm sure the animals come away from it feeling rejected. I know they don't have a full emotional spectrum, but they know when they're not wanted. Awful. It wasn't their (the animals) idea, but they get punished.