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Step life SUCKS

coping's picture

Sick of trying. Sick of step kids attitudes. Try talking to DH and he is not hearing me. I tried, giving up. Tossing in towel. Good luck to you all.


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I checked to see if you lived close by. Thought we could be roommates if I decide to move out. Us STs should network and be roomies. Lol hang in there and stay dusengaged. It goes to shit quickly without your help.

fed up with ss and bm's picture

I know far to we'll how you feel, sometimes I wish I would have thrown in the towel 8 the begining, but I was and am head over heals for my husband and have 2 amazing kids of my own out of this..... my ss is 17 and I only have 7 months til he is out of the house and we are happy! Celebration is in store if you are happy without dh

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Mine won't leave when they're 18. They are too dependent on Daaaaaaddddy. I have an SD19 and SD13.

Ninji's picture

That truly SUCKS. My SS8 told BF that he was going to live with him forever. BF said no you ain't. When your 18 your moving out and starting your own life. LOL

momandmore's picture

I wish!