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I just made sure that I am NOT spending Thanksgiving with my BS so I dont have to spend it with the skids!

zerostepdrama's picture

Originally DH and I were going to go out of town/state for Thanksgiving. BS was going to go with his dad.

Change of plans- we are staying in town. I call Ex to let him know. He is a server, so the weekends are when he makes his money. He lives an hour away too. So setting up visitation, etc is sometimes hard.

So I let Ex know- change of plans, if you need to work, let me know and I can get BS earlier then originally planned (Sunday afternoon) BUT can you still keep him on Thanksgiving?

Reason why- if BS is with his dad, then I dont have to worry about DH wanting to have the skids over for Thanksgiving or doing something with them. As we stand now, since BS is going to his dad's, DH and I are going to go out to dinner- just the 2 of us.

I feel a teeny tiny bad. But really the holidays just arent the same when you live out of town from 90% of your relatives and you are in step hell. Plus BS doesnt get to see his dad very often, so it works out. BS would have more fun at his dad's then dealing with me needing to drink a bottle of wine (like last year) and being all pissy because the skids are around.



zerostepdrama's picture

BS is more then happy to go to his dad's, so its a win win for us.

But when I asked Ex what the plan was for Thansgiving, if he was going to his uncle's as usual and he said no and I got all sweaty and nervous and he was like "But I would still like BS" and I'm like GOOD!

zerostepdrama's picture


zerostepdrama's picture

We have a mutual understanding as well. And if DH breaks it... I'm going to be furious. He can go and see his kids on Thanksgiving if he wants. It's not like they dont have somewhere else to go. They eat dinner with BM and at her BF's family or something like that. Yeah last year they made a point to tell us many many times how much bigger BM's turkey was and what great food they are going to have over there, etc. So why the fuck did you bother coming over here and ruining my good time then?

I think in the evening we will head over to our friends house that have a big Thanksgiving thing. Have some drinks and relax Smile