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I think the skid's homework made BM mad.

Mercury's picture

He had to pick a career and write a report about it. Guess what he picked?

My career. Blum 3 Blum 3 Blum 3

She didn't come right out and say she was ticked off about that but she did send DH an email before the last skid visit that makes much more sense after we saw the assignment.

She wrote that she didn't think SS should spend time with DH because she didn't like our neighborhood. It was a long email and she gave numerous idiotic reasons, all of them overtly racist. DH promptly put her in her place and told her to have the kid ready when he came to pick him up later that week. After reading the skid's report, I think she was just trying to make herself feel better about the salary disparity by comparing our zip codes. The skid had to report a salary range for his career choice and even the low end of that range was triple what she earns in a year. I'm convinced that is what got the "you live in the hood" nonsense going again (she tried that same argument in the very beginning). Oh BM. Keep acting pathetic in front of your kids. As if they don't know who pays for that house of "yours" anyway. I really hope she displays all of that racism in front of the skid. He sees a completely different world at our house and it IS rubbing off on him. Her own stupidity works against her in her never ending campaign to alienate "her" kids from DH.


Ljcapp1's picture

She is extremely do you keep from punching her? :?

Mercury's picture

Honestly, these two kids used to act like deer in headlights in any given situation. The absolute worst I ever had to endure was DH's daughter acting smug and self-righteous in a restaurant once because we were sitting next to a table of gay black teenagers. That was a double whammy for that poor little princess. DH has never told me he is embarrassed of his kids but yeah, he totally should be.

Mercury's picture

That core is pretty thick and extremely resilient, nothing can do permanent damage to it. This skid (but not the other one) seems to see through it though.

Mercury's picture


msg1986's picture

I can relate. We live in an older part of the city where the majority of the residents are of hispanic decent and there are so questionable neighborhoods near us however this is where both Dh and I grew up and the development that we live in is new and very nice. When Dh gave Bm the address she responded right away with "oh so you live in the ghetto." It was a little insulting however she found out right away we def don't live in the ghetto the 1 time she came to pick up Ss.

It's too bad you're Bm is so insecure that she has to sling mud to make herself feel better. so stupid.

Mercury's picture

Our neighborhood is in the pre-gentrification stages: the artists and musicians are already here as well as a few really cool businesses. Home renovators are trickling in slowly. I've lived as a tenant in enough of these types of neighborhoods to know a potential good investment when I see it. The part of town I used to live in has undergone so many changes since I've lived in this city. It's now the trendiest part of town as well as the most expensive. I wanted to kick myself every time one of my friends homes sold for 3-4 times what they paid for it. None of this matters to the small minded rednecks in this town *cough, cough, BM*. They would rather end up in upside down mortgages in their precious suburbs. lol. whatever.