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HELL NEEDS TO FREEZE...Ive clocked SS17s game I think!!!!

stressedstep's picture

So, I blogged earlier re SS17 thinking a hug and a cry makes everything better.....I mean seriously, how old is he again!?

Anyway, I asked OH last night if SS19 was sill staying at his OWN flat or basically living with his missus....OH said he was mostly at his missus or his nans (BMs side)....I knew that OHs ex SS was living with BM for now, as he has a use of some sort.....last we heard SS17 was also staying at SS19s flat....

I found out that actually SS17 is staying at his nans.....

Now, everytime one of the kids stay at the nans, it ends in disaster.....the nan gets annoyed with their bullsh*t, and tells them to do one, but as is normal, she moans and nags and provides warnings first etc to get them to tow the line in her home......

SS17 has been at his nans for about 3-4 months......nan is about at her limit at this point of having the proverbial p*ss took out of her.....which is the usual length of time..........


How could I have missed that!??????????????????.............HELL WILL FREEZE OVER FIRST..........AND BE THAT WAY FOR EONS BEFORE I ALLOW THAT!


stressedstep's picture

I think the ax murderer has more manners and morals to be

SS17 is not moving back in, nor is he sleeping over a few nights til he is way...not this time......

I have my BD7 and my unborn son to well as myself.....

stressedstep's picture

Okay...I spoke with mt best mate about this the other day too.....and I have to admit, Im 50/50.......

See, my OH KNOWS how I feel about SS17, without me actually telling him......he knows what SS17 has done, just as much I do and he knows that "I dont like him"....with our baby on the way, the girls are sharing the big room, so baby has the small room so there is no room....I think OH knows that....

BUT...I also think he will use the "its my babie though" on me....even though he is 17....yes it is is babie, our kids are always our babies....but they also grow up and dont remain babies!! lol

If thats the case, OH can take his sons and live in SS19s half vacant flat with them......I have to to hold my ground on this one, for my kids and for my own sanity....