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Weird text from OSD to DH

zerostepdrama's picture

OSD: What shoulder did you have mom's name tattooed?

DH: Right shoulder, but I got it covered it up.

OSD: How did you spell mom's name and how did you cover it up?

DH had gotten BM's name tattooed on him like 20+ years ago. I told him he better get it covered up before we get married because I am not waking up the day after we get married with another woman's name on my husband. He got it covered up over a year ago.

I just find it so random, that OSD was asking about it.

Then I realized- Oh BM is in town visiting OSD. So they must have been talking about it. Or going through pics on his FB because there are pics of the tattoo, but it was so long ago and there are so many more pics.....

Not sure why she was asking how he spelled her name. Um the same way she spells her name. She does go by a nickname that you can spell different ways. So for example if her name was Jennifer and she went by Jenny or Jennie or Jeni.

Anyway... such a random thing to ask.... LOL


DaizyDuke's picture

Wouldn't you just love to have gotten your hands on the phone and typed back "I spelled it B-I-T-C-H"?

zerostepdrama's picture


I'm just thinking why in the hell does she care how it was spelled??? That makes no sense and how he got it covered up. Who freakin cares how he got it covered up- ITS GONE! BYE BM!

zerostepdrama's picture

I should go back into his phone and respond:

*money grubbing bitch that refuses to work full time.

Ha Ha you know how people put * to show they are correcting something that they texted wrong.

zerostepdrama's picture

That is what I was who cares... why would you even ask?

And the fact that OSD RARELY talks to DH and this is what she wants to ask him about.

I just find it weird this is what she was asking, while her mom is in town.

zerostepdrama's picture


Well he did get a new tatoo on his left shoulder but that was before we were even engaged. But its obvious that it isnt covering anything up.

And I'm pretty sure that I took the pic of the tattoo and posted it on FB, tagging him and put something like "Out with the old, in with the new." }:) So we obviously know that the tattoo is covered up.