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Some fun on a cold Saturday afternoon! What would you put in a prenup if you could do it all over??

sixteensmom's picture

My brothers wife is an atty and was telling us about a crazy couple writing a prenup that includes things like mandatory back rubs, a fine for nagging or name calling... What would be fun things to put into a prenup if you could require anything at all?

I'm thinking....

Keep the car filled with gas
Once one says no 5 times the question can never come up again! This is in reference to certain sexual acts... sigh
If you're late for dinner you have to clean up


sixteensmom's picture

It's one of the things I've never had to do since meeting dh. he just does it... I love it so much I'd write it in!

sixteensmom's picture

this is just a fun thing. I'm certain people don't actually put backrub requirements in legal docs. but it's kind of fun to think of.

Teas83's picture

I like this one!

My husband actually bought me gifts on the two occasions I had to deal with GBM in person. She's an evil, heinous woman.