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Why can't 17yr SS walk to school?????

Eagle Eye's picture

My SS17 a senior in high school is being driven to school and back. He has continually received poor grades throughout high school so he has not gotten his drivers license!

Last year he lived with his mother during the school and came with us every other weekend because she wanted to "hand old" him so he would do his assignments!! Well that didn't go so well and he failed 2 classes. She hand held him through summer school as well.

School started 2 weeks ago and I came home to find SS17 at our home. I was then told that he will be with us every day that DH is off! :jawdrop: Which translates to me that I have to drive him to school!! Nobody asked me, I guess it was just assumed!! (dh works nights and sleeps in the day)

My 17BD drives herself to school, she is also a senior but now attends a different school than SS. She has been driving for over 2 years! BTW-she has straight A's. Dirol

SS17 has a screwed up schedule that seems to "change" everyday! He gets up 20 min before its time to leave, assumes he can barge into the bathroom where I am getting ready and expects me to walk out. Then expects me just to take him when HE is ready!!

I called the school and they said we don't live far enough for a school bus to pick him up!!

I walked to school everyday in high school until I started driving or my friends picked me up!!

Is it wrong to refuse to drive him to school?? I'm just so annoyed with the whole situation!! He is a 17yr old boy who doesn't work, doesn't do a damn thing, doesn't do homework, doesn't help around the house, just lays in his disgusting bed day in and day out!! I want to tell DH tonight that I am now refusing to drive his a$$ to school!! Am I wrong???


queenofthedamned's picture

You're not wrong. Your DH, if he insists that the boy be driven, needs to sacrifice some of his sleep time to be a parent.

Or he can tell the kid to walk. Is there public transportation in your area? I took a train to high school every day, and then walked almost a mile from the train station to the school. It certainly didn't kill me.

Eagle Eye's picture

I guess I hate feeling that I'm "making" DH do things for his kid alone!! He does help out with my BD as needed so that makes me feel bad. The difference is I have never depended on anyone to do for my kids!

There is the city bus. I think I will look up the schedule for that and present it tonight when I drop the bomb!! LOL

DH usually sleeps until 3 but now that SS is around he gets up early to pick him up! Of course, I have to deal with the BEAR the rest of the evening because he is soooo grouchy if he doesn't get enough sleep!!

Oh ya, BM told DH that when SS is with her that she will drive him to school in the morning but he will have to find a ride home!! She lives out of district and it is miles away!! :O

Jsmom's picture

He can walk or get his license. There is no motivation to do better, if everyone does everything for him...

She_Sparkles's picture

omfg just reading this makes me angry and I'm not even in the situation.The little prince needs to get off his lazy ass and walk.Maybe he SHOULD have a job too so he can build up some work experience bc he obviously isn't going to make it to college.

If I was in your situation,and being a former stepmom I can say this with 100% certainty,I would NEVER drive that little f*ck to school. He needs to learn to work for things,that much is obvious. No one gets a free ride.

Eagle Eye's picture

I can't help compare kids because DH does it all the time and it's so annoying!! He loves when my BD screws up and let me tell you oh does she screw up!! She is sassy, she is defiant, her room is a mess, BUT.....I deal with her!! I talk to her, discipline her, ground her, yell at her, go crazy on her a$$! I don't expect DH to do it for me and there is the difference!

I don't give a crap about his kid! No lie!

Eagle Eye's picture

Yes! I did know you were being sarcastic!! LOL

You called me out as far as not wanting the kid around!! Can't lie!! Wink

Eagle Eye's picture

I don't know what happened to me!! My motto used to be not my kid, not my problem BUT I've become weak!!!!! Sad

Disneyfan's picture

Stop driving him. As soon as you say no(and mean it), your husband will figure something out. Either he will get his butt up and drive the kid himself or make the boy walk.

DaizyDuke's picture

Because he is a skid. When SD16 came to live with us last year, DH said he was going to make her ride the bus. That he was not going to cart her ass back and forth to school every day. Guess who gets her ass carted back and forth to school every day? The reason is that the bus would supposedly be picking her up at 7 am and that was "just too early for her to have to get up and too much time for her to have to spend on the bus" Whatever. The real reason is because GBM carted her ass to school for the past 15 years even when they lived literally 2 blocks from the school because SD is the Perfect Precious Princess dontcha know. So heaven forbid, DH do (or not do) anything that makes him look bad in the "One Up" game that all these idiots play. Gag.

furkidsforme's picture

My SS17 can't even walk to the end of the driveway to catch the bus in the morning. He needs to be driven. Because it's DARK. And sometimes COLD or WET. And he would have to leave 10 minutes EARLY.

But when DH said someone might TAKE HIM I had to bust out laughing. Really? They would bring him back in an hour with a note that said I'm Sorry.

Elizabeth's picture

Buy him a $20 bicycle, hand it over in front of dear old dad and say, "Here's your transportation."

milldog's picture

Ha....I had to laugh. My DH drives SD15 1/10 of a mile to the bus stop. I measured it! It is dark (6:15am), and will get cold later in the year, but its really nice right now. It cuts into my morning snuggle time Sad because he gets up earlier to drive her. I gave him some crap about it and his response was "that backpack must weigh 45 pounds". No it doesn't, and so what if it does! I want to call his dad and ask if he made little DH walk around with heavy backpacks. I'll bet he did. Such pussy parents we have become.

At least he isn't asking me to do it ...hell no would be my answer.

Eagle Eye's picture

Bhahaha! Yes I know his fee fee's are very delicate!!

Nevermind the fact that BD comes from the same background!! LOL Somehow she gets through the day...................

thinkthrice's picture

In my case OSS never had good grades as an incentive for anything. The BFF BM lets all three go to parties, school dances, homecoming, extra curriculars, drive a car, you name it with absolutely atrocious grades