Thanks, Dick!
OK, seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?
Massachusetts Bill Could Ban Sex During Divorce
I found it interesting that although Dick "sponsored" the bill, he says he "doesn't support it".
I also wonder what the penalty would be for having sex prior to initiating divorce? The bill doesn't say...
- AllySkoo's blog
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I guess Dick could not get UP
I guess Dick could not get UP the feeling to really support it.
what a joke!!!
Actually I'm impressed a
Actually I'm impressed a politician would back a bill regardless of his personal feelings. In other words, he is supporting his constituents. Which is very rare these days.
To be honest, it's a sad fact of life someone felt the need to try and make this a law when it should be plain old common sense. I do agree, especially when the couple has kids, dating and relationships should be put on hold until after the divorce is final. There are always too many emotions, too much anger, too little self esteem and too much baggage after a relationship ends.
Any sane person would stay away from the the dating pool in order to heal from the previous relationship. In cases where there are kids involved, the kids need some stability in their new lives and reality first before mom or dad start dating again.
I'm not saying the government should once again baby-proof our personal lives, but the complete lack of common sense when it comes to divorce and relationships ending is astonishing to me. Too many people jump from one relationship to another with no thought or time to rest, reset or heal in between.
I didn't say they should and
I didn't say they should and I doubt this bill will get very far in legislation.
Though I don't feel it's a bitter ex thing. How many of us had to deal with the fallout from the BM introducing strange men into the skids lives immediate after the break up (not divorce) of the marriage? How many of us deal with kids that are confused, violent, failing in school, isolating themselves or becoming promiscuous?
How much do you want to bet he would have been fine with her "moving on" if she waited until after the divorce was final?
We don't know the details of what lead this person to the point. I don't feel this should be about men controlling women. I do suspect there is more than meets the eye here.
Seriously, I know one guy
Seriously, I know one guy who's divorce took 10 freaking years to finalize. Yep. Ten. YEARS. (Meanwhile the guy's son met a girl, got married, AND got divorced within that 10 years. Crazy.)
Are we seriously wasting
Are we seriously wasting money and effort on such an asinine "bill" in this country? How about a bill that welfare "lifers" get a fucking job. how about a bill that prohibits skanks like BM1 who have no job, and no income from having MORE kids that the rest of us get to pay for?
This country is seriously on the fast track to hell in a handbasket
BM1 has not had a job since
BM1 has not had a job since SD16 was about 3 or 4 years old. She since went on to have FOUR fucking more kids with 2 other baby daddys that WE all pay for. It makes me want to strangle someone.. mostly BM1.
she gets every government freebie on the books. DH just told me yesterday that BM1 is now living in the apartment complex that BM2 was living in last year, but BM2 had to move out because she couldn't afford it when she married her boy toy and lost her "single mother" status and benefits. BM1 is getting a free ride, only has to pay 90.00 per month for an $800.00 a month apartment. While her fucking kid lives with me and she pays nothing. while her 3 other kids live with their dad and she pays nothing. Can only imagine how long she'll keep the latest baby before she pawns her off on someone else. And she's still young enough she could have MORE kids. GAHASDF! Calgon take me away!
5 kids by 4 dads here. My DH
5 kids by 4 dads here. My DH was the only one crazy enough to marry the ho. Dammit.
Mine, too! The fathers of D22
Mine, too! The fathers of D22 and S12 have never paid a dime. The father of D7 recently passed away (drank himself to death) and he left debt, so no more CS for 11 more years.
DH's are 15 and 18, so CS will hopefully be done soon (especially is PrinceSS15 actually goes into the military).
Can you get Social Security
Can you get Social Security survivors benefits for D7?
My DS's biodad (who was on welfare and never paid any CS) died when my DS was 16. He was able to get survivor's benefits until he turned 18.
Well it IS massive-two shits.
Well it IS massive-two shits. Just another locale that is pro-BM to the max.
Every time I talk to my representative about the horrific pro-BM CS laws in this state, he puts on this "commiseration" look, shrugs his shoulders and says "everytime we try to reform the CS laws, N.O.W. of New York protest to the max and all the legislators back down because of N.O.W.
I hope each and every lobbyist and member of N.O.W. becomes a SM with a greedy BM bleeding THEIR wages.
Oh, men! They just love
Oh, men! They just love making laws about women's vaginas.
This is seriously gross. It seems like it would affect women more than men since they are usually the ones who insist on staying in the homes and keeping the kids, especially given the socio-econonmic factors of that particular state.
I live in a state where sex during divorce is considered adultery. It took me 2 years to get divorced and the only reason it finally happened is because I gave in to every one of his demands. Even so, once the paperwork was finally filed and we were in that limbo stage (which our state drags on FOREVER), he tried to hit me with adultery charges. Then he found out that he would have to change it from an uncontested divorce to a contested divorce and he'd have to pay his lawyer about $4000 more. It was all about bitterness with him. Not adultery. There were no children involved except for him.
Then in my DH's case, he and BM were actually separated for a very long time before they ever filed. The separation wasn't a trial type of thing, they knew it would end in divorce but they just couldn't agree to the terms. She spent the entire time withholding his kids and using them as weapons. He had to get custody worked out long before they even filed for divorce so she would stop using them. Even then, after custody was worked out, he went through hell getting her to agree to other terms of divorce and like me, he ended up just giving her everything she wanted just to be done with it. Three years. She pulled the adultery card a few times with him when he started seeing someone (not me) while they were separated.
I hate these laws and I hate bitter exs who are so legalistic that they would use these loopholes get their way in court even though the relationship was over LONG before the paperwork got finalized.
I don't think the issue here
I don't think the issue here that we should be so upset about it is whether or not you can have sex before the divorce, the issue is the gov't is trying to control what we do in our own home and when!!! That infuriates me. We have got to do something or we will be living in a country more controlling than China!!
Well, this has already been
Well, this has already been going on for a long time, there are laws on the books regarding oral sex, anal sex, etc. It's ridiculous.
Perhaps lawmakers should focus on something that is actually enforceable and that makes a real difference.
Oh there are ALL kinds of
Oh there are ALL kinds of laws about what you can do in your own home! Ever seen those "Stupid Laws" books and sites? It absolutely kills me that anyone spent the time, effort and money to get these laws made. Here are a few gems (not all sex related either!):
According to Chapter 6 of the San Francisco Housing Code, “Private and public storage garages in apartment houses and hotels shall be used only for storage of automobiles.” (You can't use your own garage to store anything but cars!) California
It is illegal to set a mousetrap without a hunting license in California.
97-29-59. Unnatural intercourse. Every person who shall be convicted of the detestable and abominable crime against nature committed with mankind or with a beast, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not more than ten years. Mississippi
Sixteen-year old divorced girls are prohibited from talking about sex during high school extracurricular activities. Texas
It is forbidden to serve wine in teacups. Kansas
I am not in Kansas, but I
I am not in Kansas, but I will serve wine in whatever the hell I want! Of course, it won't be a teacup because that is not big enough.
But, yeah, that's what I mean. All kinds of stupid laws on the books about things that are nobody's business.
My bride and I shared an
My bride and I shared an apartment for a week before we married. When were dateing we each had our own place.
The Sperm Clan dragged my bride to court trying to get custody of SS (then 1yo) and their idiot attorney tried to make a big deal out of us moving in toghether for a week before we eloped to Tahoe. Of course the Sperm Clan's idiot attorney was not pleased when I pointed out while on the stand that his client (the Sperm Idiot then 26) had just married his 16yo GF to avoid going to prision for statutory rape. }:) The gasps and rants in the courtroom over that comment were classic. My bride and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary. DickHead divorced the 16yo 3mos after we went to court and went on to spawn 3 more also out of wedlock children by 2 more baby mamas. One was also under age.
To this day Sperm GrandMa gets her bloomers all blow up over that ancient history which makes bringing it up soooooooo much fun when she gets stupid. }:)
"Why must you always bring that up." "Umm because you still have not figured out that your son is a worthless POS. Quit calling my son and asking him to send money to help raise his three younger siblings. Kick your serial statutory rapist son in the ass and have him raise his own children."
Facts are the gifts that keep on giving.