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Do your bm's constanly change their phone numbers??? kinda OT

msg1986's picture

Dh got a call last night from a random number and when he answered it was Bm and she let him know this is her new number. In the 3 1/2 years Dh and I have been together this is like the 5th mobile phone number she's had, what's up with this? I have a few relatives that do this too and I don't know what it's about, maybe they are all drugs dealers?? lol. It's just a weird concept to me to change phone numbers so many times, don't companies charge you for this?? My first cell phone was when I turned 18 and I've only have 3 mobile phone numbers since then. Is this normal???


msg1986's picture

Ya know that's a really good question, maybe??? That could be why she's constantly changing numbers. Dh said Bm was very irresponsible with money when they were together and would go behind his back and spend money on tattoos (while pregnant) even though they had bills. Also in the time we've been together from the bits of things Ss says it would seem Bm doesn't manage very well (he is always telling us "my mommy doesn't ever have enough money for xyz") so that is very much a possibility.

DaizyDuke's picture

Both of my BMs always have bill collectors on their ass so they had landlines with "unlisted" numbers. It always cracked DH and I up that they can't pay their freaking bills, but can fork out the extra money each month to keep their numbers unlisted.

msg1986's picture

lol what a weirdo!!! Talk about having your priorities out of whack! If they'd just pay the damn bills they'd eventually have them paid off and not have to worry about being unlisted. geez.

DaizyDuke's picture

I have had the same cell # since cell phones came out, so we're talking like what 15 years or so??

I work in small city school district and I can't believe the number of times these people change their damn phone numbers AND don't update their information with the schools. I am not kidding, if I have to call 10 parents a day, I am guaranteed to actually only talk to 3 of them because the rest are disconnected, VM full, or wrong number completely. How do you send your kid to school everyday knowing the school has no way to contact you?? :?

zerostepdrama's picture

I think it happens when someone doesnt pay their cell phone bill,phone gets turned off. Instead of paying that bill they go to another cell phone place and just get a new phone and number.

The skids yes.... not sure about BM as her phone has been blocked for awhile now....But the skids always have a new number. Texting DH "Hey its skid this is my new didnt pay the phone bill"

My Ex would do this ALL the time. When we were together and especially after we seperated.

He has actually had the same # for awhile which has REALLY shocked me. Come to find out, he is on his cousin's phone bill and he pays his cousin directly (or at least is suppose to). This came about because DH had no phone, no car, no liscence and lives 45 mintues away and was wanting to take BS. Um noooo not without a phone where I can reach you and you can reach me if there was an emergency. Cousin knew this so I think he helped Ex out.

msg1986's picture

Ahh this could also be the case! Bm is always crying poor but is always with brand new phones. I had never even thought about it before but maybe she is jumping from company to company? gah... that's so stressful to do that. I don't think I could live with that type of instability.

DaizyDuke's picture

I know every time Perfect Precious Princess gets a new phone (so that's 4 in the past year and a half) she gets a new number. Not sure why as even though she is switching carriers each time (went from my plan with Verizon, to ATT, then to some pay as you go with Virgin and now back to some month to month Verizon plan her GBM got her)I know when we switched DHs phone from AT&T to my Verizon plan, he kept his same number so not sure why SD does not or can not?

msg1986's picture

How strange, that's like the new thing with carriers now that you can usually take your number with you right??

WTF...REALLY's picture

Oh yeah!!! All the time! Phone number was always different - and address.

Now she has no phone. Or home for that matter.

snoopyinoz's picture

Wait 5 numbers in 3 years? Lucky our BM has had at LEAST 17. Different numbers in the last 4 years