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OT- How long did it take you to get used to being called Mrs. DH?

Yosemite's picture

I really didn't want to change my name but since I was insisting on some other stuff (pre-nup) and DH really wanted me to change my name, I thought I had better throw him a bone. So I did it. We got married in May, due to typical slowness at courthouse, social security and MVD, my name has only been Mrs. DH for about a month. So far, any time anyone says Mrs. DH, it doesn't even catch my attention! I completely ignore them until they throw my first name out there. Mind you, it's a pretty common last name, but I feel bad that it doesn't even feel like my name yet.
This morning, DH even noticed when we had to sign some paperwork and I signed it my old name and had to re-do it. I could tell it annoyed him, but I'm not sure how to get my brain to recognize that is not my name anymore.
So did anyone else have trouble with this? And how long did it take to start automatically answering to Mrs. DH?


Frustr8d1's picture

It took me about 5 years to get used to it. I sort of rejected it at first because I was so very doubtful about marrying a man with kids (yeah, stupid me still did it) So 2 years into our marriage, I finally changed my name legally. DH was all excited as if I did something amazing for him lol.

Pinki3663's picture

My DH and I got married last november and I decided long before that that I would not be changing my lastname. It didn't feel right to me. I am 10 years younger than DH and he has already been married had kids. For a while I got upset because he had basically done it all. It felt as if there were no "first times" for us to have. I have gotten over that but I would be damned if I was going to be a second mrs.DH. I am very much attached to my lastname. DH brought it up once in a negative way saying that he didn't see what the big deal was it was just a lastname. I said oh good because I was thinking you could take my lastname since it is so important that we share. Haven't heard a peep from him since. I couldn't imagine trying to getuse to being called a different name.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I haven't changed it legally but in private, especially in venues relating to him, I go by Mrs. DH. Sometimes when I see his name on my phone I answer it, "Mrs. DH speaking." He always laughs. Otherwise, hardly anyone actually uses it. I don't think I'd ever get used to it for real, but I have promised him I'll change it one day when the reasons he already knows about disappear.

I never did change my name in my first marriage and I'm glad I didn't. I never planned to, either. Good call.

simifan's picture

I've been married for 15 years. I always use my first name; I have never introduced my self as Mrs. DH. A couple of months ago DS teacher called and asked for Mrs. DH. I told her no MIL was not there. I was so embarrassed when I realized it was for me. I called her back later rather than admit I was an idiot.

z3girl's picture

I legally hyphenated my name as a compromise to DH. I didn't want to change my name because there is already a Mrs (Ms) DH out there. DH said it would only be important if we have children. I'm now pregnant with our third, and I still have it hyphenated. After our first was born, DH reminded me that I promised to change it once our son was born, but I dug my heels in and said it's close enough. DH hasn't mentioned it since then. I really regret hyphenating it to begin with. Not only is it long, but my last name does not change who I am to my children.

It's a pet peeve of mine whenever I see BM sign her name as Mrs DH. Uh, no, you're Ms DH now. You are no longer married, so you're not Mrs. Grr.