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WWYD- BS allowance money- giving it to his Dad- my Ex

zerostepdrama's picture

BS9 has an allowance, from doing chores around the house.

He asked me at the beginning of this week if he could do extra chores around the house because he wants to buy some plants for a game on his dad's phone. (Plants Vs Zombies).

He said that his dad told him he would have to earn the money to buy the plants. Which I'm in agreement with. However his dad said that he would have to use his allowance money. He does not get an allowance from his dad, nor does he do chores there, because he is hardly at his dad's. So his allowance money comes from me.

So basically BS is earning money, which I am giving him and he is then going to turn around and give it to his dad, to pay for the plants that he is going to buy.

It is BS's money that he earned, so he reallly can do whatever he wants with it. (Within reason).

Honestly I think its stupid that his dad can't find ways for BS to earn the money at his own house and have HIM give BS the money so he can get the plants After all it is his phone and it will be played by BS on Ex's time.

I'm a little peeved that on top of the $9,000+ that Ex owes me in CS, that I am now giving money to BS for him to give to his Dad.



zerostepdrama's picture

CS suspended his liscence but it was already suspended for a DUI and driving without insurance. He hasnt been driving in years, so honestly taking that away meant nothing.

If I pursued it he would probably end up in jail, but that wouldnt solve anything.

He is working, but as a server. So I do get CS- usually about $25 a month. Ordered amount is $300. I get part of his checks, but obviously since he makes most of his money in tips, he is supposed to send in the remaining balance to make up the $300 a month, but never does....

The $300 was ordered when he was working an office job, so he could actually have the CS amount lowered, since I am sure he is making less now. I have suggested it and even supported it (I'm not greedy) but he even refuses to call CS and get it lowered.

Thankfully I am able to support BS on my own...Not that it is fair.

DaizyDuke's picture

I get your peeved at your ex for not just giving him chores and letting him earn money there, and I'm peeved at him for being a dink and being so far behind in CS... BUT I think that it's BS9 money that he earned, so he should be able to do with it what he wants. As long as he's not buying drugs or hookers or something for his dad, I guess I wouldn't sweat him using his allowance to buy plants for a game.

I guess I look at his allowance as his paycheck so to speak. Would anyone be OK with their employer telling them how to spend or not spend their money? If he earned it, it's his to spend as he pleases. Flowers for mom would be nice!!!! but he's 9 so zombie plants it shall be Wink

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah I am just biting my tongue about it. And he really isnt asking for much over his usual weekly allowance ($4)- he is trying to earn between $2-$4 more.

And its been kind of nice to see him working so hard to earn extra money.

kathc's picture

Yes, your ex should have the kid wash his car or something to earn the money from him since it was his idea. But, you give your son an allowance and let him do whatever he wants with it. If this is what he wants to do, then so be it. IMO it's not worth it to let this bother you.

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh I'm not really that worried about it. I told BS I would give him the money if he earned it.

Peaches1973's picture

Its hard to see them spending their money on stupid stuff. We give an allowance to all the kids weekly but its not only based on doing their chores correctly and when they are supposed to,its also based on getting along/good behavior. My BD is a freshman this year and wants to walk off campus with friends for lunch a block away. I told her it would be very silly to spend all her money on lunch but its also a good learning experience-when its gone its gone so spend wisely.
I do think that your ex should be paying for that kinda stuff for your BS though. Its only right since you're not getting the CS that you should be.