Summer School Log Week 3
This was the last week of summer school. And boy what a week it has been! Before I begin, I want to preface this week’s logs of SS’s antics by saying I feel the same way I did when my manager unwittingly invoked Skitt’s Law when trying to get me and my colleagues to be more careful with typos and spelling mistakes. He sent us all a rather terse email stating “From now on, grammar and spelling mistakes will no longer be tolerate!”. It was extraordinary difficult to not laugh. So much so, I hurt myself from holding my clenched jaw in place. Such was SS’s antics every morning this week. To say that DW and I are glad this is the last week of summer school is an understatement.
Week 3 Day 1:
DW needed to nudge and nag SS to get him going. She was practically following him around the house making sure he is doing what he is supposed to be doing. I’m watching this trying very hard not to laugh. Oh and remember that project that DW threatened hell and damnation if he didn’t complete by Sunday? It wasn’t complete. I am thinking hell must be heavenly since DW was giving SS hugs after hugs last Sunday (read my earlier blog about me trying to get photo evidence of this). SS asks me if we could go out for ice cream tonight on account that he got 100% on a pop quiz last week. Long story short, whenever SS got a 100% mark on something, I would treat him to ice cream. Last time he got 100% on anything he was in Grade 5. I laughed and say “So for all those fails you got, I should have served you liver and blood sausage?” SS asks “What’s liver and blood sausage?”. OMG, Rutherford is right, I really should make a sitcom about this kid! DW says we should take him out - you know - just to encourage him. I repeat to DW that she can do whatever she wants but I want no part of it. As for homework, SS had about a half-hour’s worth but it took him over 2 hours to complete, largely because SS was more interested in playing with this gadget he got from his Dad’s that emits fart noises. Figures; I buy this kid books, his Dad buys him a whoopee cushion.
Week 3 Day 2:
BS, for some reason got up extra early and woke the whole house up. Don’t know why he was so excited but needless to say, he is going to bed extra early tonight! SS took that “fart toy” to school. Once again I found myself fighting the urge to say something but I managed to keep my trap shut. I did however tell DW that toy is starting to grate my nerves and if SS doesn’t stop playing with it, it is going to “disappear”. DW called me at lunchtime and said SS lost his house key and therefore has to wait until one of us comes home to let him in the house. I look out the office window. It’s raining cats and dogs. I can just imagine SS cowering for shelter by the side of the house emitting fart noises from that stupid toy. I can just see how my neighbors will react. “Hello 911? There is this freakishly tall kid next to my neighbor’s house suffering from a severe case of flatulence”. Turns out SS waited inside the school until the rain stopped before going home. He had no homework (I didn’t see him crack open his school books when I got home). SS just spent all evening playing. Maybe he did his homework in school? I doubt it.
Week 3 Day 3:
Oh the calamity! Oh the horror! We ran out of Nutella! This made SS a total grump-ass in the morning and was giving us all some serious attitude. He refused to eat breakfast. Like what are we supposed to do? Run to the store to get him a jar? DW tried the nurturing/good wife routine with him for as long as she could “Oh come on honey. I am so sorry there is no Nutella. How about I fix you a nice bowl of Corn Pops instead?”. That didn’t work and SS just crawled back into bed to pout. DW was ready to leave and SS didn’t want to move so she ended up having to shout at him. BS and BD, who were obviously very concerned, came to me and asked “SS is bad?”. I say yes, SS is being bad which is why Mommy is angry (Well what else am I supposed to say to them?). I have no idea how long SS is going to last through the day with no breakfast and no lunch (yes, he still refuses to eat the lunches DW makes for him). I hardly saw SS in the evening. He sequestered himself in his bedroom to play on his iPad. Not sure if he had homework or not and I didn’t bother asking.
Week 3 Day 4:
Still no Nutella. DW told him to make himself a bowl of cereal. SS says he doesn’t feel like it and he “always” has to make cereal and it’s just not fair. OMG! I couldn’t help myself, I had to run into another room because I couldn’t contain my laughter. I’m not sure if SS or DW heard me as DW is now screaming at SS saying that she doesn’t feel like driving SS to school and that it is not fair that she has to get up extra early to take care of his ungrateful ass (no she didn’t use those exact words, but they were pretty harsh). DW actually ends up fixing a bowl of cereal for him. Later in the day DW calls me to complain “I tried talking to him to find out what is wrong but he won’t answer. What the heck is wrong with him!?”. Uh, let me see… He has to go to summer school. You are not coddling him like he wants you to. You have to get up extra early in the morning to chase him around the house to get him ready. Gee, I don’t see a problem. You expect him to be all eager-beaver and sunshine perky? If he wants to be a miserable f*ck. LET HIM!. No homework tonight as SS was too busy rummaging through his mess to find that fart toy. It disappeared. No I didn’t have anything to do with it. Honest! It actually disappeared.
Week 3 Day 5:
Same as usual. SS has a hard time getting up. He plops himself on the couch to watch TV. DW asks him several times “Are you ready to leave?” SS says yes. When it is time to leave, guess what? SS is not ready. He hadn’t brushed his teeth or got his school bag ready. DW is out the door saying that if SS doesn’t follow her to the car in the next 20 seconds, she is leaving without him. “But I can’t find my eraser!” SS cries. DW comes in and mumbles “This is fucking ridiculous”. Once again, I am hiding, making sure no one can see me laughing. When SS and DW finally leave I throw my arms in the air like I am Rocky Balboa. After today, SS goes back to his Dad’s.
- Drac0's blog
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I throw my arms in the air
I throw my arms in the air like I am Rocky Balboa
OMG! I do the same thing when SD16 leaves! oh and the fist pump... YESSSSSSSSS!
Heh! I should get the "Rocky"
Heh! I should get the "Rocky" soundtrack!
This is just too much, so now
This is just too much, so now every time I watch "Elf" I am going to think of your SS14 and every time I hear "Eye of the Tiger" I will think of Draco. At least I'll get a chuckle
(No subject)
Summer school is only 3
Summer school is only 3 weeks? Wow. Hopefully all that tall-ness will help him pass.
(Tho there have been studies done about the relation of height to success, pay, securing a mate and apparently tall people do make out better generally speaking...)
Between 3 and 5 weeks. SS was
Between 3 and 5 weeks. SS was signed up for 3.
Can't wait to read the rest
Can't wait to read the rest of this when I get a chance, the first paragraph already made me laugh.
When will you find out if the
When will you find out if the tall boy with flatulence passed? }:)
SS14 had to go to summer school this year for 3 weeks. I understand it was a struggle for him to get up each day and barely stayed awake for the 4 hours he was in school.
Funny you should ask! I just
Funny you should ask!
I just got off the phone with DW and I asked her the same question. She says she is not sure but she was told if a student does well in summer school (does all the assigned work and passes all the tests) that they will move on to the next grade.
It's on my list of things to
It's on my list of things to watch. Normally when DW passes out on me early on Fridays, I get my horror films in. I may just decide on a change of venue.
Sorry about that. It's my
Sorry about that. It's my editor's day off.
Skitt's law! LOL
Skitt's law! LOL
My editor used to be the
My editor used to be the president of the STC (Society of Technical Communication) and even he makes mistakes, so it happens to everyone.
Maybe we should all take a cue from today's youth and write how they text?
U git wut i meen?
Let me axe you a question?
Let me axe you a question? Can you find Nutella for an epic sandwich at Walmart?
Why are you going to axe the
Why are you going to axe the question? What did the question do to you to deserved being axed?
Sweet Pea 128- The blow up
Sweet Pea 128-
The blow up doll at Christmas, BAHAHAHAHAHA. I guess every family has to have the one lazy weirdo and tall-boy is Draco's.
I used to get annoyed at my
I used to get annoyed at my ex-MIL who would lament over how much "work" she has to do. "What work? YOU'RE RETIRED!!!". Apparently getting up out of bed, grocery shopping, preparing meals, etc. is "work". If this is true, I am horribly underpaid.
But yeah, "making" a bowl of cereal constitutes as "work" in SS's eyes...Apparently so does replacing the TP roll.
Oh and I'm convinced BS and BD are going to view SS as the odd-ball in our family one day. But for now, he's cool and funny because he "farts".
Uncanny! You just described
Uncanny! You just described my ex-MIL as if you knew her personally. :O
Oh the stories I could tell about her. She was a woman of the 90's...The 1890's.
I work for a major engineering company and she couldn't understand why I wasn't the VP after 5 years. Apparently I wasn't working hard enough. When I divorced my ex, she was paranoid that I was going to go after her retirement fund...Oh and the best... I came over one day, and she was baking a birthday cake for the mother of my ex's ex.
I loved my ex-FIL though. He was a class act. "Peter! We ran out of milk, can you go get some?"...He would leave and be gone for like 3 hours! My ex and my ex-MIL couldn't understand why it took him so long. Here I am giggling, because I knew the answer but didn't have the heart to tell them...
This whole scenario just
This whole scenario just cracked me up. And I had to do my best to not giggle out loud so I wouldn't be asked what I'm doing (StepTalk is still my secret and I want to keep it that way).
Too funny! Thank you for the giggle...I have been in dire need of one.
I seriously say to myself "Oh
I seriously say to myself "Oh goody, a Draco post!" each time I see one.
And I have never, ever, ever, been let down. I wonder what your SS and DW would think if they knew that their daily lives of enmeshment are fodder for humor for so many people?
That's the reason why I go
That's the reason why I go back from time to time to delete older blog posts.
Draco, my co-workers are
Draco, my co-workers are wondering why I can't stop laugh/crying! OMG, I think there may have been a snort too!!