Delusions of Grandeur (My Three Skids)
OSS just graduated from High School with a D- average. No plans for full-time employment. God knows he won't be joining the military as that would end the CS gravy train. He works about 4-8 hours a week at a local slop joint, is a pothead and has gained back massive amounts of weight with a beer belly to rival St. Nick's. All of that CS wasted on Rock Star Camp!! Could it be that the BM clan lied when they told OSS that he had musical talent?
Prediction: the BM will wait until OSS is about to turn 21, then enroll him in community college to keep the CS gravy train rollin' along for a few MORE years.
SD barely made it out of 9th grade with a pity average of D- also (slightly lower than OSS's GPA) Reads at a low fourth grade level and is in "special classes" which she is failing. As the speshul snowflake report says: "SD does well when she wants to and is interested in a topic" (like sex ed). The BM posted an fugly photo of her size 12 hooves all painted up by SD and posted that SD is going to become a manicurist as a profession. The "pedi" looked like it was done by a 4 year old. I personally would have been embarrassed to post that a stb 16 year old did the job.
Prediction: SD will continue skipping classes and not be required to either attend, or do any homework/classwork by the BM while she pats herself on the back for being MOTY and a crack CPS worker/supervisor. I also predict that this summer SD will "discover" drugs. She's already playing tonsil hockey with a 19 year old with full permission from the BM.
YSS squeaked by 5th grade and is headed to middle school. He is an attention whore extraordinaire--the BM snapped a photo of him jumping up on stage during a concert. The band members look less than pleased as he holds his arms out ala Richard Nixonesque. Mommykins also has dreams of him making it on Broadway as she has enrolled him in a summer play where he is hamming it up to the point of making faces that don't even look human.
Prediction: YSS is well on the path that OSS and SD blazed.
- thinkthrice's blog
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I completely agree. SO tried
I completely agree. SO tried to talk college to SD, but she got bad grades until Sr year. Why she thought changing Sr year would matter, I don't know. BM had never said anything that I'm aware of about SDs post-graduation plans until last april. She asked SO, so what is the plan for SD, you think she should go to one of those tech schools? I would have jumped at her saying YES! Make her do that. Sadly, SO said he had a plan for her, its fallen through and BM well she's not very bright so she probably has no back up plan.
BM and her husband are ready to not be parents anymore so they can be party drunks and BM can screw the neighbors.
geez I ranted sorry.
Seriously, no one thinks about these kids future, least of all themselves. No matter what you say as SM its wrong.
I predict the failures will
I predict the failures will still be blamed on you. Not at all the BM's fault. It NEVER is.
Your predictions are on
Your predictions are on target. Keep your head down![Wink](
Oh to sit back and watch the
Oh to sit back and watch the train wreck..... this is what I do with SS15. He is a pothead and I suspect is most likely selling dope too since he posted a pic of a bunch of cash on his FB and some stoner buddy of his (who's profile picture says "kushgang") commented "#cashflow" and SS commented that he was "yeah, working on more" Whatever. I know the call is coming in the very near future that he has landed himself and jail or some detox facility because he has OD'd on alcohol or drugs or something and BM2 will be looking to DH to bail SS out.
The thing that really sucks is having to watch the train wreck SD16 because it's more subtle AND because she lives with us. She does fairly well in school (high 70's) doesn't smoke dope or drink (to my knowledge) but she is just a manipulative, lying, brat who is going to graduate from high school with no life skills, no plan for the future and she will be just like GBM and BM1.... mark my words. DH keeps holding out hope, but he even recently said her only "hope" at this point is to go into the military but she is too lazy and spoiled, she wouldn't last 30 seconds of boot camp.
THIS exactly. Its so hard to
THIS exactly. Its so hard to watch. How do you NOT point out what is so obvious. How do you not shake people and say HEY do something your kid is going to be a moron!
Since they PASed out, Chef
Since they PASed out, Chef Boyardumb has not seen hide nor hair of them. I just worked up the courage recently to show him all the froo froo crap that the BM posts on FB. Mommykins is sooooo proud as the bar of expectation is so low, a badger couldn't burrow under it.
Chef will NEVER confront the BM because he likes the status quo but got an EYEFUL of his kids being lazy, spoiled brats as well as the BM. He feels their failure to launch will all be blamed on her since she is the "only" parent. Far from it. On Father's Day, SD posted a virtual pity party for herself, implying that dad up and left her and her enmeshed mom. :barf:
I told him his kids are more brainwashed than hostages held by terrorists and that THIS is where his CS money is going.
OMG, yes. Same here. SO got
OMG, yes. Same here. SO got wind of the real SD on her Facebook when she was 15. THEN said "I can't tell her I read any of this because it would be like i violated her privacy".
WT-everloving-F? She lied to you, you told her you wanted her Facebook password and then you see her instant messages cussing like a sailor and telling people what she really does when she spends the night at her friend's house. But no, lets not make her feel like her privacy is violated.
Paralyzed dad syndrome.
Looking back, I think you may have hit the nail on the head. SO likes the status quo. Even now he doesn't want to change things or have to be a full time parent. that's probably his motivation for a lot of things that I had not thought about.
I am betting 100% on your
I am betting 100% on your predictions.
I was just telling a friend yesterday that I'm SO glad we don't live in a state where they can get CS for so many years for an ADULT child and that I was betting your skid would be enrolled in a community college just under the deadline to keep the gravy train rolling.
Have your skids been tested
Have your skids been tested for learning disabilities?
A 9th grader who reads on 4th grade level is likely NOT doing it our of spite.
It is shame-inducing and self-esteem-destroying to be that far behind.
Your SD could have some cognitive challenges, or dyslexia, or other issues.
Those issues can run in families.
Some kids with LDs are very visual, creative and artistic - they would shine on stage but not
in the classroom.
Just a theory.
I'll assume you are playing
I'll assume you are playing BM's advocate or that you haven't read thoroughly this or any other of my blogs.
1. Have they been tested? By all means. The BM has DOCTOR SHOPPED until she gets them purposely labeled "disabled-other" as a smoke screen for her shoddy non-parenting.
2. The BM IS A CPS WORKER which makes it all the more hypocritcal. She BFFs all the children, provides ZERO boundaries, structure or parenting for them. All three are free ranged, ferals. She does not make them do ANYTHING that is challenging, momentarily distasteful such as attending classes, brushing their teeth, doing honework or classwork.
3. NONE of these children are "differently abled" or "special needs." They have been trained by the BM to be LAZY MOOCHERS. And they will fail to launch because of it. More to the point they will fail in life because mommykins was in love with the MOTY title and her three golden meal tickets; daddykins was and still is scared shitless of the BM and her authority as CPS worker and golden uterus in the militantly pro BM state of New York.
These BMs and skids are
These BMs and skids are delusional. SS15 is convinced that he's going to get out of high school, go to college for computer engineering, graduate, and immediately start making "somewhere in the millions." This kid has barely passed ANY grade since 3rd grade. He was socially promoted all through middle school. His final overall average in 8th grade was a 57. And he's going to be a computer millionaire?
This is the kid who was unaware that you have to have a good grasp of math and science to work in computers. Who didn't know you have to be ACCEPTED into college, that you don't just pick where you want to go, and go. This is the kid who asked DH just a few weeks ago, "What grade am I in again?" :jawdrop: SMH