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Great article especially for BM²

Beautiful Dreamer's picture
I wish she could and would read this and get some act right. Smh


kathc's picture

#1 is the big one for, if the two of you effing hate each other so much why were you FUCKING without making sure it wasn't going to create spawn??? How about acting like grownups who say, "Yeah, it didn't work out. Let's move on and be civil for our child's sake"

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

YES!!!! In my case she told Dr she couldn't get pregnant (unless a guy is trying to leave her)

Anon2009's picture

Regarding #3 I get why they'd get frustrated at the bm. But I don't get why they'd feel that way about the kid.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Because some baby mama's refuse to let the babydaddy see the chil(ren) and where I live the courts just slap the mom in the hands and says no don't do that.