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I have A/C for a reason dickwad

stepinhell617's picture

I am going to kill SS(12)- I was just put on restricted activity since my oxygen levels and heart hate are going haywire with activity and on doctors orders to always be in A/C. Yay... so we had to buy a 14000 BTU unit for the living space in our house (several hundred dollars but a deductible medical expense, we are well on our way to hitting 10%) and it is helping. SS comes over sees the A/C is on and says it is only 79F so why is it on, that's a lot of electricity especially since the oxygen machine has to be on all the time. Besides, you guys always said it wasn't cost effective to try to cool off an open floor plan. My FIVE year old then verbally bitch slaps him asking if he noticed the yellow pollen coating everything outside and how the air feels like soup because it is going to rain and the three year old said that Mommy is on the list and has to wait her turn and don't you know anything because you do what the doctor says. I did tell them not to speak to their brother in that tone of voice and DH told him not to worry about the electric bill. I am probably overreacting but I have been sick for almost two years and hate when SS questions what we do every damn time.


Most Evil's picture

Hmm, did he think of that himself??

Complete bull and I am glad the much younger children and DH stood up for you!!!!!

Hope you feel better soon Smile

stepinhell617's picture

BM and I get along well enough to the point that if we get the call in the middle of the night we can drop off kids there on the way to the hospital. I think SS was just being a cranky almost teenager and it didn't go well for him.

JingerVZ's picture

Absolutely agree with this.

Kids should know their place and be told that the adults don't answer to them.

The behavior is completely out of line!

hereiam's picture

He didn't just ask a question, he went on, scolding her for having the A/C on.

"Why is the A/C on?" That's a question.

it is only 79F so why is it on, that's a lot of electricity especially since the oxygen machine has to be on all the time. Besides, you guys always said it wasn't cost effective to try to cool off an open floor plan

^^^^Not a question.

stepinhell617's picture

We were a fairly green family then medical devices and large amounts of non recyclable medical plastic came into our lives. There is nothing we can do about our electricity usage. Out utility puts out a helpful graph with the bill comparing your usage with comparable homes in the neighborhood- All we can do is laugh because OMG.

JingerVZ's picture

I am quite green conscience but not a fanatic over it.
I do the recycle, hybrid car, green consumer consciousness...

However my SS is a green nazi - save the planet and all that. Because he is a PITA I normally tell him I don't care about the planet!!
He gets all upset: what about future generations??
I normally say: I don't have any!!
Shuts him up good.

katielee's picture

In MY house, if it is 20 degrees outside and I want to run A/C, then we'll damn well run A/C. That kid has no business questioning you. Good lord, what entitled brats this world is raising.