Thanks for the "heads up" BM. Your a BItch!
So last weekend when I was saying SD all of a sudden got a fever and was sick after my moms graduation, then seemed fine the next day (we assumed a quick flu) it was hand foot and mouth virus. Ive never seen it myself until this past week. And it took until this morning to put 2 and 2 together between my sister and I and an ER visit with her son last night. Now I realize this is common especially with young children and in school viruses and such can be passed around like wild fire. That being said when we dropped SD off last weekend we made sure they knew she had had a fever sat night and seemed fine and back to normal sunday morning. SD tells me this morning that she had dots on her by Monday morning and BM told her she was fine just don't touch anyone and sent her to school and dance class (in case you don't know this shit is SERIOUSLY contagious!) SD also has some coughing with it which is another way to pass it along and was told this is due to her virus. BM didn't say a word to us about it. I know she had already passed it along before she went back to BMs house but if I had known what it was when BM figured it out I could have stopped it from blowing through every single kid here not to mention the extra kids that were here for the party this weekend. (Just loved making sure the other parents knew to watch out for it). Anyway, she has a damn fit about that little bit of pink on SDs shoulders a few weeks back but she cant let us know SD has hand foot and mouth virus? WTF!?! Oh and btw way her youngest daughter has a really bad sunburn on her face and back according to SD. Thought about sending that link she sent us about kids and sunburns right back to her but I refrained. Anyway we start thinking about it and realize that's whats been going on with all the kids. BS had a fever wed I think it was during the day but was fine the next day, no other symptoms for him. Then BD2 gets a fever, seems fine the next day, then breaks out all of a sudden with a crazy rash complete with blisters on her rear and a diff looking rash covering her legs, feet, and a little on her arms. I was going to take her to the DR today if it wasn't clearing up but thankfully hers is. Then my nephew had a fever and threw up at our step sister's house Friday night and by sunday morning the poor kid is covered from head to toe and itching like crazy. Its also in his mouth and throat. Luckily after a good nap this morning he seemed like he was less uncomfortable and getting back to his silly little self again. Now just praying my niece and the other kids that came to the b-day party this weekend were spared and Im doing my best to keep all the kids away from each other so they don't just keep passing it around and around. Like I said I know these things happen and some times spreading it cant be prevented if its not caught in time but Bm fucking knew what it was Monday and didn't want to admit it came from her house so she just kept it to herself. Can you imagine if it had started here and SD went back to BMs and passed it around? My God she would have us in court saying we aren't clean people or some stupid shit like that. Uggg....And she bitches at DH for HIS lack of communication cuz he doesn't tell her how every little bruise happens (kids will be kids and we cant bubble wrap them). So frustrated and feeling bad for the kiddos!
- cfmommyof3's blog
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Huh, you know what else I
Huh, you know what else I just realized? I started a new MS med this past week which can lower the immune system for the first couple weeks making it easier to get sick...yay.....
BMs are just lovely like
BMs are just lovely like that. Our BM used to send Ziploc bags with Clorox wipes in it for SD to be" SAFE" at our house. Guess where the strep, stomach flu, and several colds originated from? Oh yeah, YOUR house.
Omg I would be pissed about the hand, foot and mouth. Especially with how freaking many people she infected. And Lord knows how many kids at school and dance. Bravo BM!
Exactly!! And heaven forbid
Exactly!! And heaven forbid she admit something like that started at her house.
Good to know. This is my
Good to know. This is my first time dealing with it. Ive heard a lot about it. Apparently it went through pre-K, k, and 1st grade at BSs school the year before he started. The older kids seem to get less symptoms and handle it better but the 2 younger been really hard watching them deal with it. The DR said its very rare for adults to get it because we build up immunity to it as we grow up. Being surrounded by with it though didn't sound like you had much of a chance of not catching it.
Im not gonna lie Im being kind of paranoid. When my sister confirmed what it was this morning my hands started to stopped and of course was in my head but now every little itch Im like oh no do I have it? Last of the kids (mine and my sister's) are done with school today or tomorrow and are going to be home or coming here to get babysat. Not a good time if we are all sick and itchy! I really just wish BM could have made the one little gesture to be like hey just so you know SD has this virus so I could have looked it up and known what to look for with the other kids. You would think she would at least be worried about SD getting it again from the other kids and let us know for that reason. I know she doesn't give a shit about our other 2 kids but youd think she would be worried about snowflake getting sick again. Then again SD comes back to our house sick a lot so maybe she doesn't care...
Ha! When BM had her youngest
Ha! When BM had her youngest daughter Sd was sick (shocker!!) She went into labor and had DH pick SD up at the hospital and demanded we keep her for close to 2 weeks so she wouldn't get the newborn sick. Fast forward 2 yrs when I had my youngest she demanded we figure everything out (we didn't even think of asking her for anything anyway) around the CO no matter what was going on. She also made a huge deal out of making sure SD would not be in the room while I was giving birth (ummm duh no child needs to see that shit-didn't want BS in there either). Once a year we should be aloud to punch BM in her face without charges....THIS should be a new
lol....I don't know...shit is
lol....I don't know...shit is effed up in BMs head. I would never have a kid in a birthing room while labor is going on. And maybe twice a year would be more useful? lol...what happened yesterday?
Uggg our BM does this! BM
Uggg our BM does this! BM calls today and I heard the phone from outside..I get inside and the answering machine is going off..."Oh SD its mommy my sweet baby, I miss you so much. I just wanted to see how you are doing. I hope you are ok. I know you must miss me. etc...". So we have SD call her back and SD is like" Im having a wonderful time! I went in the pool and on the trampoline!" BM is trying to get her to say she wants to come home (home is here too bitch). Shes like don't you miss grandma's puppy? Dad misses you. Your sisters wish you were home. SD is like well I miss you all too mom but I really am having a wonderful time here. Im having so much fun! LOL BM GO eff yourself!!!
Right?!? lol
Right?!? lol
We wouldn't give up our time
We wouldn't give up our time with SD regardless(if we did BM would call every time its our time and say shes sick and we would never see her). But I do understand those that don't want everyone getting infecte). What pissed me off was after all the research and talking to the DR and my sisters midnight ER visit with her kid we KNOW it came from BMs house. And we KNOW she knew what it was on Monday. Not only did she not inform DH SD being his daughter and all but we have other kids too and we don't need to be passing things around. BS is still in school (last day tomorrow). I thought I had informed all the other parents and realized that my brother's 1 yr old was all over BD2 on sunday. SO I have to call him and make sure he knows what to watch for. Im sure she just didn't want to admit it happened at her house but it seems to spread like wild fire. I cant even imagine how many kids got it at SDs school and dance class. It could have been contained had everyone been properly informed. We let BM know if ANYTHING health wise happens here. Trying to explain to all the kids why some of them have to stay away from each other sucks. And according to all the info we have gotten they can still be contagious for weeks through sneezing and coughing and months through stool (the one who has it the worst has a bad habit of getting shit all over the toilet seat when he wipes himself). DH was so effing pissed when he got home this afternoon and I laid it all out for him. He usually doesn't get very worked up cuz it does no good but tonight he wants to send her a link for WebMD/children/virus/hand-mouth-foot, etc......She will either ignore it (yeah right), start sending texts about what a shitty parent she thinks DH is, or call here screaming that its all his fault and it happened here. Not sure if sending a text is worth it......