After 3 weeks of radio silence... He called
I knew it had to happen sooner or later but stb exDH sent me a text last night and called this morning. As I am sure you guessed, it was all about how much he missed me and how he doesn't know why it all fell apart. He loves me and so on... I just told him that there is no point in dragging this out. That I am sorry he is having a hard time and I hope he finds happiness. I told him that he was supposed to be my safe place forever but that was not the case. We can never go back.
Why the F does he have to go stirring the pot. I had to have a freaking RO to get the hell out of that house with my kids to prevent all hell breaking loose. He threatened to lie or do whatever he had to so that he would make sure that I lost custody of my kids. Does he really think he can come back from saying that stuff??
- overworkedmom's blog
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You never know what you've
You never know what you've got till it's gone. (Men don't anyway.)
^^ THAT ^^
No CS, we didn't have any
No CS, we didn't have any kids together. It could be sex... I guess... but it was Feb. since the last time that happened anyway. I don't know.
I kind of think that it is SS. Now that he has to parent the monster he created alone and has to pay all the bills himself he is really regretting treating me so badly. I always cleaned up all the messes, got the kids everywhere they had to go. Followed through on homework. Made lunches. Made a home cooked meal every night. AND still worked 40+ hrs a week and paid OVER 1/2 the bills. I would miss me too!!
We have a WINNER!!! And yes,
We have a WINNER!!! And yes, he is definitely worried about the spousal support that might be ordered!! Stick to your GUNS!!
You got it. How can you go
You got it. How can you go back from something like that? Even if you forgave, you can never forget. Every time you start getting into a loud disagreement, you will start to wonder, even if just for a second, if he is going to get as nasty again. Forget about sharing things with him, you will wonder how he could twist this around to use it against you if shit hits the fan.
Good for you for being strong enough to know when the end is the end.
I went back once. It was a
I went back once. It was a huge mistake. I should have never wasted another year on that relationship. I will not put my children through that again.
"I think it's control. He's
"I think it's control. He's realized he has no control over you any more, and he's trying to get it back."
^^^^^THIS TOO!!^^^^^^^
You are very right.
You are very right. Everything was about control. He hated that I would only give the allusion of being controlled and only let him push so far and then I would snap back.
Yeah I don't think it has
Yeah I don't think it has anything do with sex either. He can get sex anywhere.
Maybe he finally realized how
Maybe he finally realized how good he truly had it. Too bad, so sad. Go whine to someone else.