Step parent stress weight gain O/T
UGH I have put on so much weight the past year and am trying to lose it. I've only been heavy one other time in my life and that was in college when my dad was dying and just college in general with eating crap food and alcohol.
I thought I'd just go for a walk everytime I have extra energy and then go to the classes at our neighborhood gym. I don't want to set unrealistic goals for myself upfront but just get myself started. I'm usually rather small otherwise. I dont feel cute at all right now and it's now summer ugh.
I've also crossed over to my 30s with a lower metabolism so I know it'll be harder to lose the weight.
any suggestions
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I hear you on this one. I was
I hear you on this one. I was just having a convo about needing to lose weight as well. How about doing one of the yoga or circuit training apps on your phone to get some exercise in while at home? I'm planning to try that + go walking more and workout at the local gym as well. BUT we'll see. I get overwhelmed quickly with steplife and then lose track of my priorities.
I'll tell you something I was
I'll tell you something I was told by my physician years ago when I gained a LOT of weight because I was under a lot of stress for an extended period of time...
You know all about the body's fight or flight mechanism, releasing cortisol in stressful situations. Well, these situations are supposed to be brief, not prolonged, 24/7/365. But when they are prolonged, your body just keeps releasing that cortisol -- a steroid -- which eventually does the same thing to you that it does to people who intentionally take steroids to "beef up" (except you're not building body mass, only fat, usually around the midsection because that's just how cortisol works).
The first order of business, according to my Dr., was to control the source of the stress (he knew I couldn't avoid it so this was the next best thing). Easier said than done, but you have to try.
Also, look into Inositol (it's a B vitamin) -- it helps regulate blood sugar levels to stop the peak/trough you get from eating/not eating/eating again. You can read lots about it on the net.
oh man
oh man
Same problem here. Last year
Same problem here. Last year I started a new job, which is extremely sedentary compared to my previous, couple that with having turned 30, and being happily married... I packed on 15 lbs in about three months. Not happy. And it won't go away. I just do not have the energy to exercise a lot. I get up too early, and it leaves me drained all afternoon. My only hope is that swimming this summer will help.
ohhhhhhh yayyyy and good for
ohhhhhhh yayyyy and good for you!!! Thanks
So very true!
So very true!
Thanks so much for posting
Thanks so much for posting this. I've got lots of weight to lose and it's difficult. I started a month ago just breaking one habit at a time. I'm trying to lose and be healthy all around. I started changing one thing at a time. A month ago I stopped drinking coffee. I used to put flavored creamer in my coffee, which was full of sugar. I feel better and my brain doesn't feel fogged over. My next thing is no added sugar. You know...cake, candy, soda, sweets etc.
Sunday was a great day of no sugar. However last night around 10:30pm, I wanted sugar and all I could think of was marshmallows :O There were 5 of them left in a bag and I ate them!
So far today is a different day and I'm doing well. I heard Dr. Phil say to a smoker "keep trying until" and that has stuck in my mind. Also, I decided the next time something sugary calls my name, I'm throwing it in the trash.
I started exercising once a week (it's a start) and now I'm going to take a meditation class tonight and yoga tomorrow. I want to relieve the stress level. My blood pressure has gone up recently and the Dr. put me on a water pill to try and regulate my pressure. Don't know well it's working for my blood pressure but my joints don't hurt :?
Thanks everybody and good
Thanks everybody and good luck to everybody ugh this sucks. The best success I had at losing all the weight the last time was eating healthier and walking off anxiety. I'd walk and walk and walk and walk in fun places like downtown or around so I could stop and use the bathroom if needed.
I hope to get this fat off. Ugh I didn't even realize how much i had gained til we took photos.
Try journaling the crap that
Try journaling the crap that upsets you and then try and leave it there.
That's a good idea too.
That's a good idea too. Thanks.
I just lost 11 Kg in about 3
I just lost 11 Kg in about 3 months. I visit a dietician and am a great believer in taking it slow and steady, none of your fad diets that DON'T work long term and screw up your metabolism. So, what works for me:
Cut down sugar as much as posible - I eliminated it in tea, coffee, cereal, etc.
Bread and/or carbohydrates are fine, for breakfast. I have the rest of the day to burn them off. If possible, choose wholewheat options.
Lunch and evening meal are usually grilled or steamed meat or fish with vegetables, salad, soup, or omelette.
Pasta and rice at midday only, a maximum of twice a week.
In the evening it's better to eat fish, chicken, or turkey than meats like steak - easier for the body to digest.
I do drink tea and coffee, and plenty of water.
I don't drink any "diet" drinks or fizzy stuff - it's all rubbish. I also don't drink alcohol (I don't like the stuff).
If it's a birthday or other special occasion, sod the diet I will eat what I please and enjoy it. There is always tomorrow to make it up.
I eat a couple (or four) squares of black chocolate (72%) every day - and (gasp!) the sky didn't fall down.
I take something called "Café Verde" (green coffee?) which is supposed to help with metabolism.
Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint: and life still has to be lived!
Oh nice. I'm going to print
Oh nice. I'm going to print this! Thanks
Look at what you eat. Learn
Look at what you eat. Learn to read labels. Avoid artificially "fat free", "low fat", and "sugar free" products. Shoot, avoid anything processed period if you can (not realistic for most).
I can tell you that I got a real wake up call when I picked up the book "Nourishing Traditions". Really makes a lot of common sense, and debunks a lot of the fad diets out there. Just generally made me realize what I was doing to my body by eating off-the-shelf crap. And it's a cookbook!
oh nice i'll have to look for
oh nice i'll have to look for that book!
I feel your pain!!! check out
I feel your pain!!! check out my blog to see my weight battle! ..I've recently discovered High Intensity Interval Training, which is totally and utterly awesome, and helped me lose 4lbs in one week's a link!