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Desserts and phone calls! Vent! Wth?! Smh

LaMareOssa's picture

It's the small things that irritate me to no end. I don't get why it irritates the Fuck out of me, but it does. Petty? Yeah, most likely. Do I need to be so irritated over all the tiny things? No, probably not. But it is what it is.

Almost every single week DH goes to Safeway and buys a 1 gallon TUB/BUCKET of vanilla ice cream. Sometimes it's every other week. SD12 is the one who usually eats it all. I jumped her ass a couple months ago over her whining and complaining to BD8 about how it wasn't fair that BD got the last Bomb Pop. BD8 felt so guilty over a stupid popcicle, she had tears in her eyes. I jumped SD12 for even complaining about fairness to an 8(7 at the time) year old. I also told SD that if she has a problem she needs to speak to her dad or me about it. I told her that I don't think it's fair that she eats all of the 5 gallons of ice cream herself. And I also told her I didn't think it was fair that ate the last (half of) of MY tiramisu birthday cake. I told her to stop whining because I am NOT going to divvy up popcicles, toaster stroodles, and whatever else she feels she doesn't get enough of. I said that when it comes to things like that, unless it is specifically designated to someone else, if you don't get to it, it's gone. Things go fast in a household of 5!!!!

Now, fast forward to last night. The ice cream is gone *GASP* because SD ate it all. There is no more popcicles. SD scarfs down her dinner and rushes into the kitchen. OH NO! No dessert?!?!?! OH WELL!!! It's clear you haven't missed a meal OR dessert in quite sometime!

Missing dessert ONE freakin' night is not going to kill you! Dessert is a treat. I don't feel you MUST have dessert every damn night. DH sees SD pouting about no ice cream so he tells her to cut one of his special Choco Tacos in half. WTF? DH NEVER EVER EVER buys anything special for himself. He rarely gets any ice cream. He finally buys a special treat for himself and doesn't get to enjoy it. Choco Tacos are delicious waffle cones shaped as tacos filled with chocolate and ice cream. NUM NUM. lol Anyway...Cool that he wants to share, but he gave her one the NIGHT BEFORE! UGH...

Life will go on without dessert. I promise.

Now this morning I am on the phone with DH. He tells me that he is getting a call. We hang up. 5 Minutes later he's telling me that SD forgot her lunch. GUESS who has to drive 15 minutes back to the school I was just at 40 minutes before? ME of course.
Not a problem. Except she forgets her lunch all too often. AND WHY in the hell is she calling Daddyyyyyy at work? Obviously, he isn't the one who will be bringing her damn lunch. IT'S ME. CALL ME.

Ohhhh.... no, SD12 can't call me. I'm evil. Yeah, I forgot. UGH

EDIT!!! OOps. Typo. Not 5 gallons. 1 gallon. OMFG! lmao


LaMareOssa's picture

She had her lunch packed in the fridge or I seriously would have made her something I know she hates.

LaMareOssa's picture

I was at home and DH was at work. She couldn't eat the school lunch because DH only puts enough in the school account for her to eat 2 times a week at school. The other 3 days she brings in her lunch.

Jsmom's picture

Why are you taking lunch. She forgot, she goes without. Really easy. She won't die. She will however learn a lesson.

kathc's picture

The school will just give her a lunch and charge them for it. Probably better to not let the little shit figure that out and then claim she doesn't have lunch whenever she doesn't feel like eating what was packed for her.

LaMareOssa's picture

LMAO I have found myself hiding certain things. Like the mini bags of Cheetos and Lays that come in the big bag of mini chip bags. If I don't hide one for myself, I would never get one.

LaMareOssa's picture

SD gets blamed for eating all of the ice cream because she is the one who eats all of the ice cream. I see it. DH sees it. BS5 doesn't eat ice cream and BD8 eats it every once in a while. DH is the one who goes out and buys the enormous container of ice cream. If it were up to me we wouldn't have all the crap food in the freezer and pantry, but DH is the one who loves junk just as much as his daughter. So yeah. :sick:

kalinda's picture

SD11 also eats all of the ice cream every single weekend she is with us, it does not matter how full the carton is it will be GONE by the time she leaves and it pisses me off. I buy enough ice cream to last the whole week, I have kinda spoiled my bios with a night time snack of ice cream about an hour before bed, I have been doing this since DD22 was little and have continued with DS12 & DS13. HOWEVER I have also taught my bios serving sizes, they get 1 serving of ice cream at night, that is 1/2 a cup, that's it no more. SD11 will eat half the tub in 1 setting and it pisses me right off. Of course then her parents wonder why at 11 she weighs 165lbs.

LaMareOssa's picture

LMFAO!!! NO, but after I jumped her shit for complaning, she leaves about.. I dunno..Maybe 1/4 to 1/2 cup in the bottom. That way she can say "Oh, I didn't eat it all" No, wait.. She wouldn't say that. She would just think it lol

kalinda's picture

Oh no she doesn't leave the empty carton she BRAGS that she ate it all. Half the time its like she expects me to jump up and go buy more.

LaMareOssa's picture

You're right! It was a typo. It is a 1 gallon container/tub! LMFAO! I went back and edited my post. Thank you for pointing that out. lol

LaMareOssa's picture

I still think that one gallon of ice cream is a ton of ice cream for a 12 year old to be consuming in one weeks time.

kalinda's picture

You are right it is and my SD11 will eat that much in 1 3 day weekend. Just the other day she opened a brand new container and scooped out exactly 1/2 of it into one of my stainless steel mixing bowls....her AFTER DINNER snack.

LaMareOssa's picture

NO! DH made sure that BD8 got the other half of the choco taco, but after giving SD12 a whole one Sunday night, he doesn't have anymore. They're sold in a box of only 4. Like I said, it's not that I don't want him sharing, I want him to have something of his own once in a while. With out the stupid pouting and staring(while he eats) and the guilt trips from SD12.

misSTEP's picture

The next time he serves her up some ice cream (or when he brings it home or whatever), I would loudly say, "How can you ABUSE your poor DAUGHTER like that??"

Then have a long conversation with everyone about what excessive sugar does to their bodies and why it is better to eat healthier.

If your DH isn't on board and is a junk eater, then not much you can do. It's the same as if he was buying an alcoholic some vodka. Enabling behavior.