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Summer Child Care

overworkedmom's picture


Who pays for summer child care if the child is with the non-custodial parent for a month in the summer?

I pay for child care during the school year and most of the summer. My ex was supposed to have vacation with the kids during his extended visits this summer. He is going to send them to child care now instead since he and his wife are about to have a baby and he wants to use my provider. I feel like he is responsible for the cost of child care since they are in his care. He got a large reduction in child support for these extended visits. What do you all think?

(In case anyone is wondering this is a cost of $300/week for me- not chump change)


Patsy's picture

HE should pay it unless stated differently in the child support order. LEt him know this and also call the provider to let them know he is responsible for that month.

spittenfire's picture

If it is during his time and his support was reduced because of it he needs to pay. I would talk to the provider and make him set up a seperate agreement with them for thier care during his time.

SM with BM from hell's picture

I would think if this is during his time he has to arrange whatever activities he needs and then pay. The child care suits his needs not yours. You've already arranged care for them, meaning it's his scheduled time.

overworkedmom's picture


Patsy's picture

I get that, but what you need to look for is if he was given any credit for child care expenses. If he has credit for child care expenses (not custody)then he is responsible to pay that when he has the child. If you were given a credit on your side for child care expeses for the entire year then you would be liable to pay this.

Disneyfan's picture

He should pay.

Is it possible for the center to drop the kids for the time they are with dad then enroll them again when they are with you? That way dad can't take them to the center and stick you with the bill.

overworkedmom's picture

The only thing I have going for me is that the payment is due weekly on Monday so I guess if he doesn't pay he won't be leaving them...

QueenBeau's picture

We pay for summer child care for SD. We can actually take the receipts & get it factored into the next CS calc. It wasn't put in last time because BM also paid for child care during the year. Now SD is in school & GBM keeps her afterwards, so BM pays no fees but we pay 100 a week during the summer (800 bucks total).

askYOURdad's picture

Unless your CO specifically says that you have to pay, there really isn't an argument here- his time/his responsibility.

Patsy's picture

Meh you can't be "That BM" that position has already been filled. Wink Your just trying to do what is within your rights!

overworkedmom's picture

Oh yeah... amazing how now that she is at the end of the pregnancy she has changed her tune! LMAO

overworkedmom's picture

Absolutely, for all of their sakes! I know that I wouldn't want a newborn, my 2-3 yr old and a stb7 and stb9 yr old all summer. The big kids won't be happy with Elmo on tv and toy slide in the back yard! LOL

overworkedmom's picture

I will still get it all 12 months but it dropped significantly since we added him having extended visits for the summer. It basically prorates his calculated time over the course of the year instead of just - no CS for July.

SMto2's picture

My DH was responsible for paying for child care for my 2 SSs during their summer visitation. He got NO reduction in his whopping CS during this time. This was a windfall to BM, who paid no child care, since her mother watched them for free. Because it was so difficult for us to find, much less pay for, child care for them 4 random weeks out of the summer, my DH would get them about a week, maybe two, depending on his work. Unfortunately, now that DH and I have advanced in our careers a decade and a half later and are making about 4 times when we did back then, the SSs are 20 and 18, so the option of having them visit during the summer is over. (Plus, they don't need a sitter!) Wink IMO, just another thing that's stacked against the NCP in favor of the Bio. I don't mean this personally towards you as the bio, but it is a very bitter pill that makes me angry to think about more than a decade later.