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Bitchy people

bluehighlighter's picture

Got bad news from. The doctor about my possible cancer cells. Came to the gold clubhouse to hand our w SO and the bitchy wife of friend isn't here thank god but who the hell knows what she told her sweet husband. He's been completely weird to me I'm tired trying to have a good attitude I hate these ppl sometimes. If they knew what SO was like at home w SS. They have no clue. Do I get to be head bitch. I'm not I'm the further eat thing from that. This is miserable.


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I'm sorry about your news but glad they caught it early. That's a good thing!

Fuck the assholes. You need to surround yourself with positive people and take care of yourself!

Prayers and good vibes coming your way, blue!!!

bluehighlighter's picture

Today SO and SS are going w the husband and his kids to the parade. I'm also going but not w them my friends. Originally SO was gonna go w me but couldn't get grandpa to watch SS until tomorrow. He said "sometimes you forget I have a kid you don't want him to go. ". I don't want him to go if he's gonna be rude the whole time no. If he can't make h be nice to me or not act like he's 3 or 2 when he's 8 no. I don't want him around when I'm trying to have a good time. Husband if bitch came and picked them up w a "fuck you face". Fuck all of them. I don't need this stress. Support would be nice but I don't even get that. He called me "a fucking moron" this morning bc he doesn't believe the kid acts like he does or that his friends are horrible. I'm prob done w this relationship. There's nothing keeping me in it that's positive

Most Evil's picture

That is a lot of stress on you and yes, F all of them!!

A therapist friend told me just today about a book that may help you through the worry and stress of bad health, it is Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zin. She uses things from it to manage her own stress and help her patients with theirs. I put it on hold at the library online for free.

Big Hugs and prayers for you!!! Please keep us posted.

Most Evil's picture

Yay!! I will read it too asap girl, for my anxiety and panic attack type things, I can't afford to have and keep my job too! so I am reading it too girl Smile