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And he does it again!

Harleygurl's picture

SS7's punishment for getting in trouble at school was to write apology letters and sentences. He did them with little fuss. Gets a talk about how even if he doesn't like something the teacher tells him he still has to do it.

Later (as 30 minutes ago) I told him to go to bed. I hear him squirming around but give it 10 minutes to give him a chance to settle down. Not happening. I went to check and there he is after the punishment and talk playing with his stuffed animals with the lights on!!!!

I saw red! But as he is not my child, but I'm suppose to watch him when DH isn't here, I can't do what I think he needs which is a swat on the rear. He is back in the chair sitting in time out til DH gets home. The stuffed animals are now mine. They are piled up on the floor and he knows Harleygurl means it when she says it will be awhile before he gets them back. The kid is so sad on the one hand and so thick headed in the other!


QueenBeau's picture

I HATE HATE HATE when SD is up after bedtime. She is not my child & I cannot swat her as much as I want to - so I just scare her. I throw open the door & say very sternly 'WHAT are you doing?" She says "Queen! You scared me." I tell her she shouldn't be up, she cries (because she is embarrassed for getting caught), she goes to sleep.

Harleygurl's picture

It's like nothing gets through to him. He will immediately get through a punishment and will turn around and do something else. And I can't help it (and hate to say it) but think "This kid is going to be in my home when he's an out of control teenager??!!"

TinyDancer's picture

But he's only 7.... little kid. Give him a little break.
And remember, you'll be in the house with his father, so you'll have something
to do with the raising of him. That could be a huge plus.

Harleygurl's picture

I feel like I'm the only voice of reason in this kid's life. BM lets him do stuff that isn't age appropriate and then DH's attitude is "Well the damage is already done by BM. I can't make it any worse by letting him do what he already is allowed to do." Bullshit!!!

The guidance counselor and his teacher at school said that his obession with all things violent and the fact that he draws guns and stuff like that constantly on his papers with the words "kill" or "death" under them is disturbing and could really be a problem later on down the road. His mom let him play Halo, Left for Dead, and Call of Duty when he was 3 and 4 and then decided it was too violent. But he's still allowed to "watch" his step-father play those games. Even after what the guidance counselor and teacher said what does DH do??? Takes him to a GUN SHOW the next day!!!! That's just stupid! I voiced my opinion but was ignored. I don't know anything about raising kids even though I've been at it for 21 years and my boys are pretty responsible and level-headed. Yep, I don't know a thing.

PolyMom's picture

Sweetheart, it sounds like you need to let go and allow your SS to stay up past his bedtime, and let your DH take care of getting him off to school the next morning. If bio-parents aren't going to be responsible, there is no way this child is going to listen to you. You may be the voice of reason, but to a 7 year old, your voice, being out of sync with all the other adults in his life, you are going to come out sounding like a screaming banshee. If you and DH aren't on the same page with raising him, let him take care of it. When DH is at work, just become his babysitter. As long as he isn't hurt or in danger, just provide DH a report that SS is still up and won't go to sleep, and won't listen to you. If DH is fine with that, there's nothing you can do. If he's not fine with that, he'll take care of it. Obviously, if they aren't going to listen to professional advice, that you happen to agree with, they really aren't going to listen to you.

Harleygurl's picture

I did let DH handle it. I sat him in the time out chair even though it was past his bedtime and we waited until DH got home so he could deal with it. SS7 usually always listens to me which is what makes what happened last night so disheartening. He figure out several years ago to not try his tricks on Harleygurl. He knows I mean business as much as he knows DH and BM are easily manipulated. The kid is a mess. We are meeting with his outside of school counselor today. Maybe they will have something enlightening to say.