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bm leaving again one is surprised

bluehighlighter's picture

So BM crazy crazy BM that doesn't even really know her child since she left him when he was two... but this year filed to get full custody and has had forced visitation.

She is leaving to go back across the country for 6 months starting in April. Has she told her child, SS8? NOPE she finally told her mother who told my SO.

As much as I don't like BMs craziness she's how we have gotten breaks from full time parenting. My SO never gets babysitters we have to wait on someone to ask him over for a sleep over.

6 months... I doubt they are actually coming back to this state. Her new husband (#3) is a weed harvester in Cali. YEP

So all the money of SOs that she wasted on a high powered family attorney to make sure the child wasn't sent away with BM - (he has only a temporary full custody order) was all for nothing.

They were renting their home in our state and if they're gone for 6 months I doubt they'll be back.
This shit is so ridiculous. I almost hope that she never comes back for everyone's sake but we need breaks!!! I need breaks from the kid she created.

IDK how the kid is going to take it. It's not like he's known her very well at all until last year when she hopped on scene with two step children of her own that she's "home schooling" even though they are always between states and BM has NO formal education other than HS.

He was really excited about her though this year and she's just gonna run away again. She can't even fake a visit b/c she doesn't have a drivers license b/c she's never paid child support she owes. They can't even have bank accounts b/c she had one once and child support found it and took the money.

I hate this woman and all the drama and heartache and stress she's come in like a storm and caused.

I also hate that we have to raise her kid.

I would NEVER ever tell the child EVER but my SO never even wanted the kid. He and BM were dating for like 3 weeks and she got pregnant. He wanted her to get an abortion and she didn't she cancelled the appointment, wanted her to take morning after pill and she wouldn't do it. A few months later he realized how crazy she was and just married her so that she couldn't disappear with the child that was going to be born regardless if he wanted it or not. They got married she had the child, and she refused to take care of it while he was at work, one of his friends would go over to make sure it was changed and fed. She sat around and watched tv all day and went shopping. She went shopping so much that my SO had to file for bankruptcy b/c she drained him dry.

OH AND the child had a feeding tube in his stomach the first two years. He was still extremely sick when they got divorced and she fled to California with SO's neighbor. (another man to take care of her sorry ass)

I look at the child and know this all the time and sometimes I feel like I love him and then othertimes I just wish she'd done what she was supposed to and taken the morning after pill. SO is completely miserable. HE was even more so before we met. He has a great job but the child is crazy like her has some sort of something that's off. I look at him wondering if he's gonna try and kill us one day while we are asleep that's awful. He's sweet sometimes but I never trust him. He's devious. Now she's going to leave us AGAIN to take care of the egg she dropped.

She sent an email recently of "oh tell him I LOVE HIM!!!!! sorry we haven't answered his calls we've been on vacation!! " WTF pay your damn child support or his legal fees how do you have money to go on vacation and not answer the phone for the son you said you wanted.


bluehighlighter's picture

it'll be better for the kid if she never comes back probably. He goes to a child psychologist but only right after his visits with her.

SO thinks if she never came back that we wouldn't have had NEARLY as many issues with the kid as we have. I see it too, last May he and I were way closer and then he'd just be silent or painful looking when he came back from her place.

bluehighlighter's picture

yep unless she gets too high for a few years ... haha but yea "property" is how she views him for sure

bluehighlighter's picture

his dad loves him very much and has since he was born

he is very much SO's child looks a lot like him

i hate that sometimes I have such awful feelings toward him, other times they are completely opposite and very protective of him it's just so weird. I never thought I'd feel like that about a kid. def brought out a part of me that i'm ashamed exists.

I want to get my life started with the person I love and this half custody shit has drug us out over money and stress

the three of us are a family and I want to us to get on with life and also for us to have a chance to survive as a couple with breaks

Willow2010's picture

just wish she'd done what she was supposed to and taken the morning after pill. SO is completely miserable. HE was even more so before we met

Damn...why doesn't he just give the kid up for adoption. It sounds like no one really wants him and I would bet that is why he is so messed up.

bluehighlighter's picture

he is spoiled beyond belief
he has no idea that his dad felt like that
he's his dad's heart but it also ruined what career choices and options he's had since the marriage and kid
it's also nearly destroyed our relationship and his ability to have a life

omgsaveme's picture

Agreed, it just sickens me with situations like this. Dad didn't want him and he's miserable ?? Mom had him and didn't want to take care of him ??? Like WTF ? Plenty of parents have children unplanned and don't blame the child for the reason why they have "no life". If they didn't want kids and he knew she was psycho he should have used a condom, and pulled out and the idiot should have been on birth control.

Blech ! Miserable, cause of your own kid ????

bluehighlighter's picture

I think thru my venting I've completely painted this in a bad light. By no means does my SO go around complaining about his child. I tell people to think of a single mom when they think about him. He is everything ppl typically think of when ppl think of single moms. The super parent /employee/do it all with a smile love their kids person. That's him. And I totally agree about a condom!!! It's more irritating that we are trying to be productive responsible adults and she gets to run around doing what ppl think of when it comes to stereotypical deadbeat dad. But then she calls the "I'm a woman and mother "card that somehow she's more fit to parent the kid when she is completely worthless. It's aggravating. He had always only had his dad and to have that threatened by this stupid bitch is beyond frustrating. We live in the south. At his school when I show up everyone ignores my SO thinking I'm the main parent bc I'm female. He is and gets no credit and anytime we are threatened w court it's a bigger deal bc crazy comes up w nonsense stories and is a pathological liar and crazy person that can look normal just long enough. She's a pretty white female w blonde hair. He's Indian and we live in the Bible Belt.