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Ok, just need some input :) not sure if I am over-reacting!

luchay's picture

Which NEVER happens Dirol

I may be PMSing and just getting pissed and upset at silly things.


Quick (I'll do my best) background. It's long, please read though I need some other (clearer) heads.

SD13 - lies, steals, cheats and manipulates. She has told my DD11 to Fuck off and that she hates her too many times to count. She steals regularly from my 3 bd's - generally only small stuff, but still - not ok. She lies to our faces, and even will lie to OH about something I have said to her with me sitting RIGHT there. She is rude and does the ignore game with me. She says things about me to my DD11 - like I am cheap and nasty, I am a bitch, she wouldn't believe anything that came out of my mouth, I am mean, yada yada yada.

About a month ago she told my DD11 that "when dad and Luchay break up he will move back in with us, my parents had a perfect marriage until BM found rude text messages from Luchay on dad's phone and the only reason he lives with Luchay is because BM kicked him out!" (paraphrased but you get the gist) Apparently she knows this is fact because BM told her so....

SD has NEVER been taken to task for ANY of this behaviour.

SS10 - generally ok, is lazy, moody, also does the ignore thing. We haven't really had many issues with him, he can be a little shit but it's not step related normally. BM was having issues late last year and demanded OH put him in counselling because don't ya know it's all our fault! The same day (last month) that SD spouted all the crap about me, OH and BM SS10 got physically violent with my DD, he did the punch to the face but stopped just short and was intimidating and threatening to her.

I told OH to deal with it, his dealing consisted of "SS, I know she makes you very angry and is really annoying but don't do it again!" head ruffle "now lets shoot some hoops!"

I was not ok with that!!! Big argument, no result - he thought I needed to leave parenting his kids to him... I said as long as it doesn't threaten or harm me and my kids that's fine - but this does and I need to have a say - you need to do more to make it clear to ss that this is NOT ok. No dice.

So I did something bad, I told SS10 myself (exact words) "if you EVER put your fist in my daughters face again I will fucking hit you myself!"

OH was NOT happy, took his kids for a walk, and I walked out. I left him and when DD told me what SD had said I decided I had reached my line and wasn't coming back. That night OH came back to the house and got really angry (to the point my mother called the police - I had her on the phone while he was here because things were escalating)

I was seriously done.

The next evening after talking to some friends he came back and was a different man, short story - we talked, he begged me to take him back, he would do anything.

I thought about it overnight and the next night I gave him my list of what I needed to change in order for me to stay. Including dealing with the kids behaviours, both of them; and him owning when he is wrong.

He agreed.

For the most part he has been wonderful ever since, we've been to counselling together and he seemed receptive to the counsellor telling him he needed to parent etc. He understood my issues with what ss had done and how his handling wasn't sufficient etc. He even didn't take the skids out for alone time on Saturday leaving me home by myself (usually what happens when they come for the weekend!) This was the first time I had seen them since the weekend last month. He has been seeing htem outside the house since then. He spends a LOT of his visitation time alone with them.

Oh, SS's counsellor said SS needed to apologise to DD and *I* needed to apologise to SS (fair enough - although he hears that word all the time - BM called me an effing C U next Tuesday in front of all 4 kids, OH and BM let them watch all sorts of MA15+ movies, and inappropriate movies and music etc - such as Nikki minaj starships - not the radio version - which has Motherfucker in it! - this is important soon!)

I asked OH if he felt he needed to apologize to me or dd and he said no, he did nothing wrong. Our counsellor soon corrected that notion and I thought he understood.

the issue now?

On Sunday my older dd21 came home (she'd been working Friday night and Saturday and out Saturday night) She texted me (we were out with all 4 younger kids) someone had been in her room and opened the brand new box of chocolates that her boyfriend had bought her for V day. Three were missing. All kids denied any knowledge. She found the wrappers in SD's room. I have not told OH about the wrappers....

My phone was playing up yesterday so I grabbed his spare one, and when I turned it on I saw a message (his facebook notifications pop up in the top bit when you turn the phone on) It was from the friend he had spoken to ^^^. Something sounded off so I checked his fb - and on TUESDAY this week he fb messaged her that "things were going well, he had gotten over me swearing at SS and I had apologised and SS had apologised so all was good!!"

What the freaking fuck? One - SS has NOT apologised, I did because I think I did do wrong regardless of the circumstances and the fact that these kids see and hear much worse ALL the time.

Two - OH has forgiven ME???????????????? So that's why we are back together and all good??????????

He also said they should catch up soon so he could fill her in completely... this is where I am wondering if I am overreacting - perhaps he is planning to go into detail when they catch up?

So, am I wrong for being completely pissed off that he still accepts no blame and has glossed over his kids shit yet again and laid it all at my door? Even AFTER agreeing and seeing the error of his ways and begging my forgiveness etc?

So upset and pissed off with him right now.

Then last night I get home from picking up dd's from dancing, OH was still out taking the skids home (we all had tea earlier, I took the dd's dancing he had a few hours at home with the skids)

They played Boggle. No drama there, only when I threw some rubbish in the bin I notice the notepaper they had used - last week I was in the shops and saw these cute little notepads reduced, they had little puppies dressed up on them and were pink paper, only $2 each so I bought myself a cat one and the dd's a puppy one each. So, kind of distinctive. The boggle notes were on the dd's notepad paper.

This morning I asked the girls where their notepads were, DD11 has hers in her schoolbag, dd8 left hers on the table in the family room - unopened still in it's packaging. Needless to say it's gone and she is really upset.

I was going to raise some of this stuff at counselling tonight but the counsellor is sick and won't be there....

So, it's only a few chockies, and a cheapo notepad - do I let it go or say something? And as for his feelings about the violence and me still being here after what his daughter said to mine - I just don't even know where to start with that one.

Oh, I contacted the friend myself and we are meeting for coffee next Tuesday as I want to know exactly HOW he painted what the issues were. bad move?


oneoffour's picture

No. Not bad.
Although it seems that SO is grasping at straws to make everyone happy.

HE is not making his kids accountable for their behaviour so you will not live with them any longer. HE needs to move out or you move out. Either way, this is a done deal.

He is not making his kids answerable and is allowing the disrespect to reign.
Your daughters do not need this environment and will not thank you in the future. If SO moves out/you move out you can still see each other but you both have your own front door. You do not deal with his kids, he can parent them as he sees fit and your daughter's possessions cannot be compromised unless they are out to get each other.

luchay's picture

The notepad is just another incident, they are always small silly things she takes, she took the whole brand new unopened pad, it's completely gone - not just a few pages, if it were a few pages off an open notepad left laying around I would say no drama - there are in face numerous notepads etc around the house. This was brand new, kind of special and completely gone. And again - it's just another in a long list of small silly things she takes because she can. And at the end of the day - WHEN is it enough? it's been bottles of perfume, clothing, stationary items, food, DVD's- just whatever she fancies taking.

QueenBeau's picture

I don't see the notepad and chocolates as a big deal...

But I do see the fact that you are putting this relationship before the physical and emotional well being and needs of your daughter as a big deal.

From the sounds of it you aren't happy. She isn't happy. Nor is this a healthy situation for her to experience or see you in.

luchay's picture

Smile that is exactly what I am wondering. How much of the truth did he tell her?

I was trying to be brief (LMAO - it's a saga as it is!) But the situation where the police were called involved them (lady and her husband) in a roundabout way - so the next day I contacted them to change some arrangements we have with them and told them we had split up. And let him know I had done it.

They contacted him and invited him over that afternoon. He went, and they all had a good long talk about the situation - this couple are both step experienced - both had two kids each before they married each other, so they gave him lots of advice and help and I was led to believe that he talked about the whole situation with them, not just me swearing at his kid.

So, I know he talked to them and I am glad he did as it seemed that they gave him a new perspective, they are also friends with BM and they told him what I have been saying all along, that BM is telling the kids shit about us, and telling them to behave badly and cause problems when they are here. They do not approve, the husband hates BM, and the wife is apparently trying to distance herself. So, he heard it from her friends and now he believes it.

I do think they helped as he has honestly been a different person since he came back that day.

I am just concerned that perhaps he didn't tell them the FULL story, and is just saying what he thinks he needs to to me and the counsellor but isn't really owning any of his mess.

I am worried that his daughter taking my kids stuff and being emotionally abusive (and that IS what is happening) to my dd will be swept under the carpet again.

I have told him that THIS is my hill, and if that doesn't change then I my exit plan is still up and ready for me to take.

The stealing - it IS a big deal - who is allowed to get away with walking into another kids room and opening a brand new item and helping themselves and not ever be called out on it? it's NOT ok.

Disneyfan's picture

It sounds like he is telling you want you want to hear in order to get you to stay with him. His friend is hearing his true feelings/opinions.

Since he's doing/saying what he needs to to shut you up, he has not changed. He can't keep this act up for long. You'll be back to square one in no time.

It's time to do what is best for you and your kids.

luchay's picture

This is what I am thinking.

I think I will play it cool until I talk to her on Tuesday, and see what he has said to her.

Then I will either walk away or keep on trying depending on whether he painted a full picture or not.

Thanks ladies.

IslandGal's picture

I would definitely talk to the counsellor, but I would also be putting my exit plan into place.

DH sounds like he'll never hold his kids to account for their behaviour - which he should have done IMMEDIATELY his kid threatened yours.

It's an awful situation but if I were in your shoes, I'd be looking at moving out to protect my kids - or throwing HIM out. He also shouldn't be gossiping to anyone about your break-up/make-up - that's between you and him. If he wants to discuss it, it should be with you present. He is disrespecting you by doing this.

I think your main priority in this case would be protecting your kids and looking out for your own happiness - 'cos he sure as shit doesn't seem to give a flying fart about you and yours.

Action speaks louder than words - and his actions are screaming something completely different than what he's actually telling you.

moeilijk's picture

I think you know where your SD learned her manipulative behaviour from, and it wasn't BM.

Delilah's picture

Wow I can not believe the comments that taking the notepad and the chocolates is not a big deal! Firstly, while *I* very much doubt whoever took the paper, did so without knowing it was OP's dd, that child should have ASKED. They have mouths and it would take two seconds to check it was ok to open it and use it! Secondly, creeping into dd21 bedroom and helping themselves to HER things is stealing. Right now it may be smaller items, but mark my words it WILL escalate to larger items and taking any items is wrong and should be immediately discouraged.

What exactly has your OH done in terms of addressing the recent theft?

I would be angry if I read a message like that and would feel betrayed, again. I have to agree with the others, it does seem that your OH may be telling you what you want to hear but feels very differently. Not sure if I could be with a man who had so many problems.

fakemommy's picture

I'll tell you why the notepad and chocolates ARE a big deal. My skid went into our office and took a bunch of lead pencils, took them to school, when we made them return them, did so without the lead. I felt like it was a big deal, DH understood how I felt but also felt like I may have been overreacting. Well the next week, it wasn't our lead pencils, it was their teacher's property and things from stores. Stealing is stealing. Period. That's what it is and it will escalate if it isn't handled.