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Whole family insulted my cooking even the furbabies

TickedOff's picture

Most nights I stick to what I know and everyone is happy but last night I wanted to try my hand at meatloaf again. I called everyone down for dinner and called in the fur babies. Well my feelings go hurt.

SD16: Ummmm. I had a big lunch today sooooo.... I'm not that hungry

DD7: Mommy what is this? Oh but it looks burnt.

ME: DD eat your food. Honey how does it taste

DH: Uhhhh It has an interesting texture. Very uh flavorful

Me: Come here fur babies try this. You liked it huh. Fur baby number one smells my hand and backs up. Fur baby number two licks my hand and and runs back to his bowl. baby furry licks my hand and starts barking at me.

Well that hurt. I tasted it. It was just a bit um crunchy not that bad. I mean if you put ketchup on it was edible. Sad


just.his.wife's picture

2 pounds of hamburger meat
1 egg
1/2 cup of bread crumbs
2 tablespoons of ketchup.

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl until thoroughly mixed.
Press into a loaf pan (like you would use to make bread)
Place in oven at 350 degrees-cook until center is brown.

Topping: Any brown gravy mix/jar/can
Make gravy per instructions, pour over meatloaf (while still IN the pan) sprinkle (lightly) with garlic powder (NOT SALT)

Return to oven for 10 minutes.

Cut and serve.

I have been making this meatloaf my entire life: my kids and skids swear it is "da bomb" and brag about it to their friends.

TickedOff's picture

I'm going to try this next time. I want my meatloaf to be "da bomb" too, not look like the bomb went off. Sad

just.his.wife's picture

The secret is keeping it moist so it doesn't over cook/get dry. The egg and kechup are good for keeping it moist from the inside out, then drowning it in gravy for the last 10 minutes also adds more moisture back in Smile

Unfreakingreal's picture

I actually skip the ketchup and season the meat with an envelope of Lipton Onion Soup mix. I also buy the pack of meat that brings beef and veal in the same package especially packaged for meatloaf. Breadcrumbs, an egg and some A1 sauce in the meat. Bake at 350 for like 45 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes & corn on the cob. Practice makes perfect, don't beat yourself up, try again.

TickedOff's picture

keepitsimplestupid I don't think I'm ready for all of that lol. baby steps baby steps.

TickedOff's picture

I lovemypisces . Seriously lol. Send him over so the pot wont go to waste since my family looks at it like like I tried to poisin them.

lillfiredog's picture

Oh Ticked! I get the stink eye when I cook! My DH actually told me last night (I used frozen meatballs in spagetti sauce) that "Homemade ones would be better" Fuuuuuuuuuu!
Anyways, my meatloaf tip? Don't use the slow cooker. I tried this, is lacked flavor and is worth just making it the night before (raw) and toss it in the oven after work.

TickedOff's picture

There are meatloaf thermometers. Hmmm let me check Amazon.

Nette5's picture

Around here I mix ketchup & brown sugar for the top. That makes it a bit sweeter. I also use oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs and a bit of mustard in the meatloaf.

Goincrazy40's picture

Here is how I make meatloaf - my stubborn DH claimed to hate meatloaf and was all pissed off the night I was first making it and was all like, no one is going to eat that! Well, it is now a regular request!

1lb ground round
1lb ground pork
1pkt McCormicks Meatloaf mix
Follow the instructions on the McCormicks packet, but substitute the milk with a can of Campbells Creamy Mushroom/garlic soup
Add a healthy dash of Worcestershire Sauce
Add enough Italian Bread Crumbs to soak up the moisture so that you can form a "loaf"
Place in a glass bread baking dish or on a baking sheet and bake according to instructions on your McCormick Packet - bake until proper temperature is reached, since there is pork in the mix.
Oh and if your family likes it, you can add ketchup to the top. I like this but no one else does, so I have to leave it off, or hear skid whining!

Jsmom's picture

Go to the Quaker website. Their oatmeal meatloaf recipe is one I used for years. It was easy and tasted really good. Now, I just do it by memory. If you want to kick it up, shoot for Salisbury steak. That is an easy recipe and one on my weekly rotation.

TickedOff's picture

Lol I failed. Better luck next time if my family doesn't sneak out the back door to the pizza parlor the second they hear " meatloaf is ready" lol.

TickedOff's picture

Echo I always wondered have you ever been a chef or just a good cook? I've always wanted to try the bacon cookies everyone on the site raves about but I dodn't want them to come out all crunchy and salty and have DH joking me for years.

bearcub25's picture

Use stove top stuffing, chicken (or off brand name) instead of bread crumbs. My meatloaf sucked until used that recipe.