O/T- The Walking Dead
Who else is looking forward to it coming back this Sunday? Me!! Me!! I wonder if the group's going to come back together quickly or if it'll take the rest of the season. I hope Carol comes back with a vengeance. She's my favorite!
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Me Me Me! I can't wait! I too
Me Me Me! I can't wait!
I too wonder about the group and what is going to happen. I wonder if they had a meeting place in the event of an issue like what happened.
I would think they would have had a meeting place... but I am sure it makes for a better story line for them to be seperated.
I too like Carol.
And of course Daryl... yummy yummy.
Ha Ha it stresses me out to
Ha Ha it stresses me out to think they may not have had a meet up plan. It will annoy me, as it is something I think they should have thought about.
I know, right? I'm learning
I know, right? I'm learning so much about what not to do when the Zombie Apocalypse actually comes!
I like to think out my Zombie
I like to think out my Zombie plan. LOL. I have in my head what we would do, where we would go. This is what I think about sometimes when stuck in traffic. It applies to any disaster/issue of the same magntitude.
We already have a plan to meet up with my sister and her family as they are very resourceful and handy. DH said we would get the skids and BM but throw Bm to the Zombies when needed. ha ha
Without telling anything that
Without telling anything that would give it away. I can tell you this, the filming is right by my house and they are no longer filming in the town or near the prison, they are doing it near a farm. They have also majorly expanded the studio...This show has completely resurrected this small area. Now another movie studio has been built here. It is the one that did the Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter. So many new movies and shows are being filmed here in GA, it is amazing. I get emails all the time, looking for extras.
OMG Can I come and stay with
OMG Can I come and stay with you??????
Right?? I'm
Right?? I'm jeeeaalloooous!!!!!!
have you tried to get on the
have you tried to get on the show??! OMG you should!!!
Loosing Herschel was hard,
Loosing Herschel was hard, but I still can't wait to see what's in store
I know! Very sad
I know! Very sad
I have PTSD over that scene,
I have PTSD over that scene, I swear. Even though I read the graphic novels and kinda saw it coming....
We have a big party at our
We have a big party at our house for the season premieres in October. My sisters and my mom are all SERIOUS about this show. SERIOUS. We have debates over dinner about the merits of certain actions and inactions on the part of the characters.
what's on the menu?
what's on the menu? awesome!!!
Aw man, I forgot Herschel was
Aw man, I forgot Herschel was dead.
But I cannot WAIT for this Sunday!
Hershel was the heart of that
Hershel was the heart of that group. I'm waiting for Rick to stumble upon a new group, and for the gatekeeper to say to him, "You'll need to speak with our leader." And then (dum dum DUM!) Carol steps up to him, looks him over, and says, "You'll have to answer three questions...."
That would be epic!
Carol is a tough cookie! I
Carol is a tough cookie! I think they will meet again, when Rick is really desperate and in need.
Hehe! I hope he's at her
Hehe! I hope he's at her mercy!
Do not refer to Carol in the
Do not refer to Carol in the past tense! BLASPHEMY!!!
He played one hell of a good
He played one hell of a good psychopath!
There is a nurse now... so
There is a nurse now... so she will probably replace Herschel in that aspect.
OMG, Judith! Was she strapped
OMG, Judith! Was she strapped into the car seat? If she was, then she's alive. The straps were intact and walkers aren't going to unbuckle her before they eat her! Someone has to have her!
They actually have "Walking
They actually have "Walking Dead tours" here. I am about 25 minutes south of the Atlanta Airport. My niece is addicted to the show and I think the only reason she visits is she knows I will take her to Senoia where everything is filmed. She damn near lost it when we went to the town about 6 months ago and the Governor's house was completely gone. It hadn't blown up yet in the show. It was too funny.
The tour actually takes you to the different spots that they have filmed. Local houses. Drop Dead Diva, Vampire Diaries are all filmed by us. I have had friends that have rented out houses for filming in town. I am considering buying more rental properties here, because they are predicted more rentals being needed here for people coming out for the three new studios.
JSMOM describing what you
JSMOM describing what you have described we can't be that far away from each other. You should do a sister a favor and hook me up with your own personal tour.
Oh and I think Tyrese picked up Judith!
OMG - I have the funniest
OMG - I have the funniest story. We don't like watching seasons on television. We wait until it is on Amazon and then we can watch multiple episodes if we want. We also just got ourselves a flat panel television (first HD) and FIL got us a bluray player. I just stopped at a pawn shop and guess what I found?? A bluray of the first season of the walking dead. For a little over $10 - brand new!
So, the funny part is how much our cats love the new television. They have their own little spots where they will sit and watch with us. I often wonder what they think is actually going on?
Anyway, we went to watch Season 1 the other day and my cat, Stormy FUH-REAKED OUT! She got so scared, she ran to the doorway and then would stretch her head around to see what was happening but yet still be able to make a quick escape! She even stood up on her hind legs!
We only watched two episodes. Last night we put it in to watch more and when just the MUSIC came on, she jumped down and RAN to the doorway where she stood guard! LOL
LOL! Aren't they funny? My
LOL! Aren't they funny? My one cat will only come up and watch TV with us if we're watching The Walking Dead or American Horror Story. I seriously think she recognizes them!