Comparing kids
Ok so dh has this extremely infuriating habit of comparing our daughter with sd. "Sd was holding a bottle by now, sd was walking by now, blah blah blah" I have told him countless times that all children develop differently at different times. Plus I don't want my 8 month old holding her own bottle. I want to hold her and feed her. Especially since I had to stop breast feeding. I'm so tired of his comments because it makes me feel like he thinks his other daughter is superior or something. Ugh! It's so annoying! Does anyone else deal with this?
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She can hold her own bottle
She can hold her own bottle now, she figured that out a few months ago. I'd still rather hold her and feed her instead of just handing her a bottle like he does. That was more or less just an example of the kind of comparisons he makes. She apparently walked like a pro by nine months and was already doing all these other things.... I just don't see what his deal is. It's just irritating as hell.
Can you kindly explain to him
Can you kindly explain to him that these are "firsts" for you and special, and his comments are robbing you of some of the joy of being in these moments? This sounds pretty annoying but he may not even be doing this consciously.
I completely agree with you
I completely agree with you that this is annoying, but with that said, have you told your DH? This seems to be a re-occurring thing with Mother in-laws, moms, friends, siblings etc. It seems like a lot of people just compare kids because there really aren't actual measurements as you said, everyone develops differently so comparing seems like the best option. I remember when my twins were infants and hearing this kind of stuff from all sorts of people. I would say let your DH know that her milestones are special to you and you don't want that clouded with comparisons. I would also explain to him that you recognize these days are numbered and you will blink and she will be getting on the school bus so you just want to enjoy them while they are here and not stress over silly things. No one that I know of graduated high school and was drinking out of a bottle their mommy was holding.
If that doesn't work come up with some clever sarcastic responses. I'm sure if you post a blog asking for it you will get some clever responses.
Hmmm... Yes. Clever sarcastic
Hmmm... Yes. Clever sarcastic reaponses. Since I have explained to him not to do this anymore, what would be some good catty remarks?
I don't know anything about
I don't know anything about the BM in your case or your SD but if I were in your shoes based on my own situation it would go like this:
DH: "SD already knew her ABCs by the time she was one"
Me: "wow, BM must have been a good teacher, hopefully she doesn't teach her to spread her legs for any guy that looks her way too"
DH: "SD could walk by the time she was one"
Me: "wow, too bad being ahead of the curve was only a phase"
DH said to me once when our
DH said to me once when our BS4 was having a "moment" in that terrible twos age range that "SD and SS never acted like that when THEY were that age" WTF? It was all I could do not to throat punch him right then and there.
Guess I'd rather have BS4 throw a tantrum every once in a while than be a perfect toddler like skids apparently were (insert eye roll and sarcastic tone here) and then evolve into a 14 year old pot smoking, school failing, punk ass miscreant like SS14 or a 15 year old pilfering, lying, manipulative, nasty slob like SD15.
"Really, Father of the Year?
"Really, Father of the Year? And how much of that milestone was YOUR training or BM?"
"You know it's funny. Your comparing the kids makes you sound a little bit like an asshole... my exhusband wasn't an asshole until much later in our marriage..."
"I apologize, I forgot you were a pediatrician."
"Since we are on the topic of making sure our daughter reaches certain milestones, how about we work on YOUR independence too and you start making your own meals and doing your own laundry?"
"Well I am working on her going to bed on time without screaming every night unlike her older sister. That would put her first for once, hm?"
"It's okay. I've already reserved the desk next to her in kindergarten. They said I would need to bring my own snack though which is a bummer."
People often do this with their biokids and it's stupid. There is documented proof that second borns often do certain milestones later or earlier than firsts, third borns have different ones as well, on and on. As long as she is meeting milestones within acceptable limits, who gives a crap?
Punch your husband in the head for me. Sorry to be harsh but he needs to grow up.
i'm sorry, i forgot you had a
i'm sorry, i forgot you had a childhood development degree.
since u raised such a superior child w/ bm, why arent you still with her?
or if u've got a decent relationship w/ mil, you could ask her about dh's milestones as compared to HIS siblings... hmmm.....
or my personal response would be:
yes i get it, asshole, you've already done this. with someone else. fuck off.
" yes i get it, asshole,
" yes i get it, asshole, you've already done this. with someone else. fuck off"
LOVE IT!!!!!! LMAO!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA That was Awesome-sauce!
ah thank youuu, thank youuu
ah thank youuu, thank youuu vurry vurry much.
Oh these are sooo great!
Oh these are sooo great! Bwahahahaha... Yes I have definitely said the " you've done this with someone else before" thing. Ugh it's like he constantly has to remind me he was a parent first. If he's that great he can learn how to set a damn bedtime for sd!!!! Grrrr.