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DH is mad i wouldn let SD babysit baby

porcelian-doll's picture

DH's tire blew out last night and he didn't have a spare because he was cleaning the car and trunk the other day and I guess he forgot to put it back in just his luck. It was cold out and wanted me to leave baby daughter home alone with SD14 and drive 30 minutes to meet him with the tire. I told him my grandmother is only 5 minutes away I will just drop them off there and keep going to met him. I'm sorry I don't feel comfortable leaving my baby alone with SD. DH is still pouting about it this morning. I should let them bond as sisters and give SD a little trust have a little faith and she just might suprise me. I'm sorry but I'm not going to take a chance with my baby just to show SD we trust her and I don't trust her to be honest. Don't you hear her yelling shut uuuuup all the time when the baby cries and has she changed one diaper yet no because its gross. And I havent even taught her how to warm up a bottle sorry no she's to little to be left alone in SD's care. You want to show her you trust her fine get her a turtle or something.


Azure's picture

Trust your gut. She doesn't have the best track record (your SD). If your DH wants her more involved then he needs to take the time to teach her how to do things correctly and with patience.

QueenBeau's picture


Elizabeth's picture

Stick to your guns. DH and I had the endless circular argument about me not trusting SD to be responsible with our baby BDs and DH saying we needed to give her an opportunity to show us she could be trusted. I refused to EVER leave baby BDs alone with SD, and that worked until the day that DH was watching youngest BD while I was upstairs in the house. SD was close to 14 at the time. DH shows up upstairs without youngest BD, I ask where she is, he says he left her with SD. Keep in mind this is only the downstairs of a two-story house. I was like, "Why did you do that?" and head for the stairs. Before I can go down I hear a loud thump and then youngest BD shrieking. Yep, SD put youngest BD on the couch (she was too young to walk but old enough to roll over) and then LEFT THE ROOM. Youngest BD rolled off and landed head first on the floor. Boy was I pissed at DH! And that was the end of his experiment to PROVE to me that SD could be responsible. She couldn't. And baby BD paid the price.

DarkStar's picture

Oh hell to the no!!!!!!

Everyone is right on the money here and your gut feeling is totally on the mark Porcelian! I wouldn't leave my dog alone with your SD much less an innocent baby. You're supposed to entrust your baby's LIFE with a spoiled, entitled skid so your DH feels good about showing his pwecious pwincess how much you all "trust" her???? Aw hell no!!!
I want to kick your DH right now.

I like the turtle comment, but I'd feel bad for the poor turtle! }:)'s picture

SD16 is not allowed to watch my bio who will be 10 in 2 weeks. Idc is SD16 was 25 I wouldn't let her watch my baby ESP a baby. HELL to the NO. She can't be trusted and proved that, FDH ran down the block and I got home from work and he left my bio home with SD16 AFTER he was well aware I don't allow it. I ripped him a new one, it's not worth it and in my experience SD16 is immature and finds all kids annoying- she uses any opportunity to make a mean comment to my bio when we are out of ear shot, NEVER would let her babysit! UGH

Just J's picture

No way! I don't think I would trust a newborn with ANY teenager, much less your SD. I just don't think most teenagers are mature enough to care for a brand new baby, but your SD has proven that she should not be trusted with even a goldfish. After all the bullshit your SD has put you through, I can't believe your DH is still so blind and trusting. F that, no way would I have left my baby with her.

StepX2's picture

God gave us our "Mother's Instinct" for a reason. Please don't ever doubt it or second guess yourself because someone else is putting pressure on you.

DaizyDuke's picture

Trust your gut!! Last month, DH thought it would be hunky dory for SS14 to "watch" BS4 while DH and I went to dinner for my birthday. DH actually got pissy with me when I said I really wasn't cool with that and would call my mother.

That is the day we came home from dinner and SS14 had been smoking pot in our house. So yeah, FABULOUS idea DH. Don't ever fucking give me your crap again. I'm so glad I trusted my gut and bucked DH and took BS to my moms!!!!

msg1986's picture

oh hell the F no!!! your baby is still so new and your sd is an asshole. You don't take chances like that with newborns. I could only imagine the delight your sd would have to do something mean to your baby. You Dh is an idiot to even suggest that.