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H wants a divorce over sd lie

Leeann's picture

So this evening Sd made up that I called her a bitch, right after that they went to bm and now my husband wants to get a divorce, he believes his daughter, he is treating me like I killed someone and won't even look at me. So much for a man that promised to love me and respect me until the day he died.
He doesn't care about my feelings at all, the same man that has call me every insulting name on the vocabulary and that has almost physically hurt me.


oncechoosetosmile's picture

Leave, hun, and I promise you there is something better waiting for you out there.Get on your feet first and built up your confidence and you will not regret you left this asshole.There is a silver line on the cloud.

ghost behind my eyes's picture

If your husband won't even discuss the incident and get your side of the story, he might be doing you a favor by saying he wants a divorce. Sad

furkidsforme's picture

He believes a 7 year old over you, he verbally abuses you, and you fear that he may physically abuse you. '

Here's my question- Why are you WHINING about him wanting a divorce??? Don't YOU want a divorce from this POS? Don't give me the "but I loooooooove him" bullshit, either.

If you are in an abusive relationship, get out. Nuff said.

ltman's picture

He's using this as an excuse to divorce you. Beat him to the punch and file today. Don't invest another minute in his ass.

StepKat's picture

I'm so sorry hun. (((Hugs))) Your DH should not put the word of a 7 year old over yours. He is showing you his true colors and you need to leave.

SituationalTourettes's picture

I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Sad I know you probably do love him but sadly, sometimes love isnt enough. You deserve to be treated well and with respect. I know some of the posters may sound harsh in their responses but they care about you whether you believe it or not.

Please remember that a man who truly loves you and deserves you will NEVER hurt you on purpose. Sounds to me like your current DH is a selfish and cruel person.

Give yourself a chance and seriously consider getting out. You may also want to talk to someone like a counselor, domestic abuse professional, or a clergyman.

Good luck!

misSTEP's picture

No matter whether or not I know someone, if they are in a relationship causing them more agony than joy, I advise that they leave.

It is better to be lonely than miserable.

hereiam's picture

I would be more pissed at my husband for believing something like that, than I would be at SD (not that I would be happy with her).

And if he said he now wants a divorce, I think the lie is not the issue but the excuse.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Yup. I had a relationship of two years end because my then-BF's Golden Child (10-year-old "best friend") told a really horrific lie about me. Just the fact that this guy actually even THOUGHT to believe this lie made me pack my shit and RUN.

This guy already has a wife, and it's his daughter. I'm sorry, but this isn't going to change.

simifan's picture

He just told you where you rank in his life. I am so sorry. This hurts. Do what's best for you. Best of Luck.