My SS reminds me of his mother who ruined our relationship and pregnancy
:sick: I hate seeing him and I just can't help it, I've tried everything. I just can't accept him and I've been hiding this for close to a year, I finally admitted it to my husband he didn't seem to mind and that confused me even more. I hate his mother, and at times my husband because he allowed her to terrorize me during my pregnancy and I used to cry about it. Right after the delivery of my daughter this annoying bitch called me and told me congradulations and proceeded to tell me how he was her husband and asked me when was the last time we've had sex. This right after I recieved stitches in my pussy. Rifuckindiculous. Although the boy is innocent I understand but everytime I look at him I remember the worst most emotional part of my life. And since I feel ill never come to terms with him I told him we need to divorce. He has another daughter with another woman and that kid doesn't botherme in the least. Because her mother never did anything to me. I gu I can't see him as an indiv even though he is. And I feel guilty for these feelings. But I just can't seem to change them. His entire presense just seems to ruin my mood. Also I feel I shouldnt ever take care of him not even for a second n I hate the fact he's around 3-4 times a wk. It's too much for me to bear it's like she does it on purpose si we can never spend anytime. I just don't know I never thought I would feel this way towards a 2 yr old. HELP. Did I make the right decision? Even though me n the husband are in love n are perfect together. I just feel im not right for him since I can't gt over this.
- NomadicStatus's blog
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I understand how you feel. I
I understand how you feel. I married my DH knowing that I despise skid12 and want nothing to do with him or to ever be around him. I too told my DH how I felt and he was perfectly ok with it, obviously as long as I am not beating his kid he understands that is how I feel and respects it.
It is very hard to be around someone you can't stand, especially a child of someone you really love because you know that child is not going anywhere, there is ALWAYS a constant reminder of them everywhere you go etc. It truly sucks!
As hard as it is I deal with it because I love my DH. He is a great man that has done so much for my BS10 and me. He is a great guy and I will be damned if some brat and his bitch BM are going to ruin what I have with my DH. The only time I can see myself leaving DH over a skid/bm issue is if DH EVER put skid or bm ABOVE/BEFORE me and our marriage. That right there is a deal breaker for me!
I hope you can work thru this! Fuck skid and BM!
He can't understand how
He can't understand how anyone could feel that way towards his son no matter what, even though he seen with his own eyes how it destroyed me. He puts him in my face constantly as if im supposed to love him. But he will forever be that bitches son in my eyes. Im 20 there is no reason for me to go through this. This kid nor his mom will ever disappear so I must. He never stood up for me because he feared he would lose him or chance of visitation. Im well capable of taking care of my daughter on my own, I have a very supportive family. I never went to therapy, because I see no point. It's a natural human reaction, when people bother you, you won't like them. And I have the personality that once I dislike someone I always will. I just don't know why I feel it towards the kid so strongly he hasn't done anything
look, you have the right to
look, you have the right to feel the way you do...doesnt matter the persons age...if you don't like them, you just don't like them...period....and i can not stand my DHs' kid either...and he is 6...and a complete little shit....i will never like him and with good reason behind that...
(No subject)
how old is your
how old is your daughter?
your husbands ex wife is an evil one. but it's her, not his son. the child is a baby himself. he didn't do anything to cause you pain.
You have to do what you have to do, but I think you should make sure you don't just have a bad case of baby blues.
Why didn't you hang up on the
Why didn't you hang up on the cow?
I think you are using the ss as a weapon. You are 20 yrs old and think you know it all. Honey, you don't. Yes, that boy is her son but he is just as much your DHs son and your daughter's half brother... who may one day give her a lifesaving transplant organ. You never know.
See your Dr, Seek counselling before throwing away your marriage. Let your DH know he has to erect a huge fence to keep her out of your life.
Also remember, your DH is with you and not her. You want to let her get away with breaking you up? Stick around and be the thorn in her side. But seriously, consider the fact that if you leave your DH your daughter will spend time with him alone and she may well end up seeing that woman. You think you will be the only parent your daughter needs but unless your DH has committed horrendous crimes he will get visitation and even if it is 2 days a month that would be 2 days too many for your daughter to risk seeing that bitch.
I feel for the SM who marries
I feel for the SM who marries this guy next. The poor woman will have to deal with three SKs and three BMs. Only one BM seems rational.