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Why I Effing Hate Christmas and Summer Break

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

1. Skids stay up all night long eating every thing in sight and turning on every light in the house and even taking showers after 12:00 am Sad

2. They sleep until 5:30 pm, so dinner is breakfast.

3. Their stinking filthy messes

4. Every time I look at them they are laying down like an invalid.

5. They never leave because they have 0 friends in real life.

6. BM thiks she can make us take them for the majority of the break (even though it's supposed to be 50/50 - it's always been more like 80/20. Us 80 - her 20. Effing bitch)

7. Skids asking for expensive gifts.

8. Skids never lifting a finger to help with anything. Hell, I'm surprised they can wipe their own asses. Their presents from Xmas, torn wrapping paper and boxes are still where they left them in the living room. And God forbid they should take out the trash or empty the dishwasher.

Feel free to add your complaints to the list.


HadEnoughx5's picture

1. Prince hasn't showered for DAYS. :sick:

2. Cleaned their bathroom last week and took their toothbrushes out. NO ONE has asked for a toothbrush since TUESDAY :sick:

3. Xbox and Ipads 24/7

4. The cordless phone MIA at least once a day.

5. Dropping Fiber Gummies on the floor for my dogs to eat

6. Open 2 liter bottles of soda left out to get FLAT

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Yeah, SS17 rarely bathes and never brushes his teeth. Especially on school breaks.

My DH has been letting my stepsons stay up alllllll night long during the breaks since they were little boys. Pathetic.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Me too! And sleeping until 10:00 was really sleeping in.

I hate these kids now days. They all act like they are invalids or lay around like a sick person. It's disgusting.

Newstep's picture

SD never leaves the house I hate school breaks and summer. She is up SO's butt 24/7 and she is 14 freaking years old!!!! She never hangs out with friends and she isn't involved in any activities. Ugggggg

PetStr's picture

Sink full of dishes
sticky, dirty counters
empty cups and candy wrappers everywhere
the CONSTANT arguing between the 3 of them

Annanymous's picture

Sd14 expects more then dramatic over "shitty birthday and Christmas" if ALL of Christmas doesn't 100% revolve around HER.

Doesn't brush teeth, shares lip gloss, drinks after other kids, and when big ugly cold sores intentionally kisses my infant in the middle of the face. Of course when he's sick she remembers to stay our of his face.. but its always "i forgooooot" with her herpe lips.... amazing isn't it?

Thinks she is entitled to my laptop and her Facebook and looking at pics of these girls she's jealous of comes first and downloads on my computer without clearing websites with me and tells me get over it gaaaawd its oooonly pic editor. F u it's MY laptop.

Selfish and jealous to a pathological level.