Kids sharing a bedroom
Just taking a poll here but really want to know what everyone thinks. The situation is this: the home SS7 lives in with his BM only has 3 bedrooms. BM, her husband, and youngest (2) sleep in one room, her daughter (4) sleeps in another, and SS7 sleeps in the third. BM's idea is to put all three kids in ONE bedroom and have the other bedroom (daughter's current room) be the playroom. Now keep in mind that they have a living room area and another room at the back of their house where the children could play. What do you all think about this idea? I personally think it is a disaster in the making given the age differences and the fact that SS7 has to be rested for school and get up before the other two siblings. DH and I know we can't do anything to control her household and we wouldn't try. I just think this is one of her more idiotic ideas and wondered what everyone else thought.
- Harleygurl's blog
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....bad idea on BMs'
:jawdrop: ....bad idea on BMs' part...especially since there are 3 bedrooms.....
Bad idea. A 2 year old and a
Bad idea. A 2 year old and a 7 yr old in the same room? Lord bless. That poor 7 yr old. Lol.
Unless it's a really big room, like a loft area or something - it doesn't seem like a good idea. If it were like a 2 bedroom & all she could afford? fine. But she has 3 bedrooms. I'd let the youngest 2 share a room & the oldest have his own.
Some states require children
Some states require children of different genders be in separate bedrooms.
I think that people with not
I think that people with not enough bedrooms to begin with, do not need to have one bedroom designated as a "playroom". What is up with that? My bedroom was my playroom.
In this case, the 2 yr old and the 4 yr old can share a bedroom and SS7 should have his own.
^^ This.
BAD IDEA! When DH and I moved
BAD IDEA! When DH and I moved into an apartment it was only a 2 bedroom because, at the time, that was all we could afford. SS9, SS11 and SD13 had to share a room but they we only here EOW. DH and I still hated having to do this because, as a young lady, SD13 needed her own room and space. We were just recently able to upgrade to a 3 bedroom apartment and now SD13 has her own room. We are so thrilled! Even though your BM's daughter is only 4 she still needs her own space away from the boys. This is especially important as she grows up.
Sorry, but personally, I do
Sorry, but personally, I do not think it's big deal and it pisses me off to read that some states require different genders to have different rooms. My 3 bios shared a room until ages 10, 9 and 8. I have 1 DS and 2 DD. It does not hurt any child to share a room, that is stupid. If anything, from my personal experience, it teaches them sharing and tolerance. Butt out I say.
I believe, where I live, the
I believe, where I live, the state only dictates that if the parent is receiving any state aid.
I think that it only matters
I think that it only matters about different genders when they aren't fully related (1/2 and step siblings) in most sates.
I am wondering from the description above what the actual relationships are with the 3 kids. I can say that if my 8 yr old boys had to share a room with a 2 yr old- all hell would break loose every single day. A 2 yr old breaking up lego sets and losing skylanders would not go over well!!
SS7 would get the crap end of
SS7 would get the crap end of the deal. He already complains about his sister (half and total hell on wheels. She almost burned down their house as one example) breaking his stuff or taking it. He is treated differently, by my own observations) than his half brother and sister because he's from BM's "mistake" marriage. He gets the crappy clothes, not as many toys, etc. Last year he only got a single cupcake for his birthday but BM always has her cigarettes and step-dad always has his beer.
I feel for the kid. He's a second class citizen in his own home and now what little space is available is being taken from him. They have a very large older home. The rooms are huge. They could easy build a wall or do so remodeling as time and money permitted to split one of the rooms into two but that won't happen. I suspect this whole "plan" will blown up in her face.
I think it really isnt any of
I think it really isnt any of your business how she lays out her living arrangement unless she called to discuss it with you....
It isn't any of my business
It isn't any of my business and I certainly would never tell her that she is wrong or anything. I don't talk to her unless absolutely necessary. My post was more to just see what others thought. Hell, I shared a room with my mom for awhile before my parents divorced and I didn't turn into a psycho even though that was an odd arrangement. You do what you have to do with what you have to work with. Just wondered what others thought.