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Bathroom Rant

SadFairy's picture

As a woman, there are monthly activities that I perform in the bathroom that have the potential to, if I were an inconsiderate person become quite messy and horrific, maybe even resembling a crime scene. Yet, there is NEVER a trace of anything I do left in the bathroom once I’ve left.

So can someone please explain to me why males leave so much evidence of every activity they perform in the bathroom??? I could put together a step by step mind movie of exactly every disgusting thing that took place in that bathroom by the previous user.

I don’t have the luxury of forgetting that I share a space with other people. So why is it so obvious that other people clearly couldn’t care less that the bathroom is a communal space, and other people don’t want to see their inorganic, and often ORGANIC leavings???


SadFairy's picture

At this stage in my life, I don't have the patience to have a conversation about what someone else did in the bathroom. I just don't want that to be part of my daily routine. I want people to respect that they are sharing a space with other people. Apparently that's too lofty an expectation.

Tuff Noogies's picture

"I want people to respect that they are sharing a space with other people."

keep dreamin' honey!

grow-a-nut's picture

My 23 year old son stays with me. The amount of ass hair on the toilet rim is crazy. And he cannot see it. Ugh. BOYS!

SadFairy's picture

How can males not see that? It's numerous hairs on a stark white background. Selective vision? Maybe I need selective vision.

grow-a-nut's picture

Cuz men are pigs. They are gross and they just. don't. care.

I'm pushing my son to move out and get his life started. I will never live with a male again. It's nice when they visit but I like having a clean house and men don't seem to care.

Uncledog's picture

Not to be combative, but in my house, it's the opposite. I'm a germ freak, so I leave it cleaner than it was when I got in. Never leave the seat up, don't miss. Mom made sure of that. Ladies, on the other hand (when lazy) leave a huge mess for me. I think that's the cause, lazy.

Not that your problem doesn't exist, it totally does and you deserve better. Just speaking up for the few of us males who know what clean is.

SadFairy's picture

A male with bathroom standards not just for himself, but others? I had no idea such a creature existed. What's next? Unicorns are real?

Uncledog's picture

Yes, I ride one daily!
But all kidding aside, my mother spent a good ten years educating me in "manly duties" as she was sick of the typical male bathroom 'presents'. Add that to my aforementioned germ issues and the bathroom is cleaner than a surgeon's hand (o.k... not that clean).

Uncledog's picture

Thanks, she's one hell of a lady. A bit crazy after all these years, but a saint for putting up with my brother and I. Slow learners and all.

Drac0's picture

>So can someone please explain to me why males leave so much evidence of every activity they perform in the bathroom???<

I can answer that, if someone were to answer me what DW and my SS do to “clean themselves” when I am gone for a week. Neither of them replenish the toilet paper rolls in the house.

Drac0's picture

It's gotten to the point now where before I sit down to do my business, I check the TP roll. I've been caught more than once. I am positive SS and DW have been caught too. But the question remains, what do they do? Like I said, they'll go for days, even whole weeks without any TP in the bathroom. So what do they do? I'm too scared to ask.

Tuff Noogies's picture

not sure what they do (ew!) but if i discover ours has not been replaced i absolutely refuse to do it for them. i keep my own tp stashed. if they get stranded enough maybe they'll remember.

Tuff Noogies's picture

for some reason i doubt it. it's not like you are not providing tp, or blocking access to tp, or refusing to tell them where the tp is stored....

SadFairy's picture

"I can answer that, if someone were to answer me what DW and my SS do to “clean themselves” when I am gone for a week. Neither of them replenish the toilet paper rolls in the house."


DaizyDuke's picture

Funny thing is it is NOT the males in my household that are the bathroom pigs. DH is actually VERY good about wiping toilet rim of any strays and BS3 is also very neat and particular. It's SD15 that is the disgusting pig. THANK GOD we have 2 1/2 baths so I NEVER, EVER use the bathroom that she uses and I have made it clear that she is NOT to ever be in my bathroom. I refuse to clean the toilet or bathtub in her bathroom.. so guess what? It's disgusting and about 90% of the time that I go in that bathroom with BS3 to do his buisiness? There is no toilet paper. What kind of disgusting, nasty female does not use toilet paper? And I'm a bitch... I'm not SD maid so when BS3 goes in the bathroom and I see that there is no toilet paper, I grab a roll from the linen closet (that is literally right outside of that bathroom door.. so it's not like it'd be difficult for SD), let BS3 use what he needs and then I put the TP back in the linen closet... seriously 2 days later there will STILL be no toilet paper in there.

BS3 refuses to take a bath in the bathtub because there is some black grit all over and of course gobs of SD15 hair. Again I refuse to be her maid, so it stays that way. BS3 just takes a shower upstairs in my bathroom. We have a 5 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom house and I just don't see how DH can not see the blatent grossness of the fact that EVERY room in our house in clean with the exception of nasty SD room and bathroom??

Those damn rose colored guilty daddy goggles I guess. Nazzzzsty

SadFairy's picture

She is disgusting. Females can't allow bacteria to fester down there. She must be itchy all the time, not to mention odors. :sick:

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh, she's nasty... DH got the surprise of his life one day when he was dumping the garbage can in her room and found a bloody used tampon UNWRAPPED in the bottom.

He STILLLLLL excused her... exact words "It's not her fault, that is how she was raised by BM, nobody ever taught her" Come on would that just be common sense? and does she not have girlfriends etc? She is just damn lazy.. that is all there is to it.

SadFairy's picture

You can't teach common sense. My mother never told me not to put a used tampon in the garbage either, but I knew not to do something that gross. Did your mother have to specifically tell you every place and circumstance that was wasn't appropriate for a used tampon? I doubt it.

DaizyDuke's picture

Seriously, my mother was NOT forthcoming at all about things of that nature. We never had a talk about birds and bees, never had a talk about tampons or tampon ediquette but I figured it out. I mean I would have rather eaten worms than to have someone in my family see one of my used nasty tampons.. that shit got (and still does!) wrapped in TP like 20 times and then shoved to the bottom of the garbage to leave no trace evidence.

BadNanny's picture

We have 7 and one bathroom. I am not always good about replacing the TP and use wet wipes. Kids have learned to wipe after themselves like they never used the bathroom, and when they don't I call them back "Hey, Sweetie, come help me wipe the seat. Thanks so much". You say it over and over and it finally clicks some day haha

grow-a-nut's picture

I work in a convenience store and we have MANY customers who use our bathroom for their business. I kid you not, in an 8 hour shift I have to clean poop off the walls and toilet twice usually. Pee puddles are also abundant. And the short curlies they leave behind is astonishing.

LuckyGirl's picture

How the hell can you miss such a large target with such a small hose???? (relatively speaking, of course)...