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Redirecting my hatred

Susiejames's picture

I have had an epiphany. I have been directing all my anger, hatred and hurt feeling towards the wrong person. Its not my SD's fault she's a pity seeking, lying bitch, who thinks she is the light of the world. She has had someone who allowed her, her whole life, to continue these god awful habits, so they must be apart of who she is now. Who? Her dumb-ass Dad. He's the one who allows her to cuss, scream, lye and harass me. I am married to a coward, who cannot stand up to a misbehaving little twit. A Balless coward. If my own children(now all grown) were to ever treat him in the manner he has allowed her to treat me, I would have put my foot up their rear-ends. Apparently if he corrects her bad behavior in any way she will disown him. Bless his dumb fucktard ass. I hate my husband.


Anon2009's picture

I know how you feel and have been there. Once I redirected my hatred, and my dh felt it instead of skids, things started to improve.

Some people, though, seem to think that being angry at kids and teens is the answer. That it's all on the kids to fix the situation. Forget about the people who screwed these kids up so bad.

Susiejames's picture

I banned her from my house back in the summer. So, I have not been abused in person by her. But her bio-brother and my kids tell me what she has been posting on fb.

Most Evil's picture

If it is coming from SD's mouth, she is the one doing it, so she is the one I would hold accountable. Period.!