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PeanutandSons's picture

First off, we were all mostly wrong. Dh actually did do the majority of ss's laundry. I say majority because there was so much the it overflowed the top of the basket and severalcpairs of pants and shirts had fallen on to the floor. Those were left where they fell. They are still sitting there in the middle of the floor right now. That's pretty standard for dh, even when he helps with housework he does that t so completely half assed that it has to be on purpose. How on earth do you not see those other clothes sitting there? And if I don't say something or do something about it, they will sit there forever. Dh and ss will both walk by them ten times a day and not give it a second thought. So irritating.

And I'm a bit panicked. Ss is home alone all day today on his suspension. The detention center doesn't provide busing and it let's out at 2. So since we both have to work today, and can't be there to get him l, he's home alone. Some big punishment, chill in a home unsupervised all day. But I disabled his TV and the living room TV and I took all the gaming controllers. I told dh to password protect the computer, but of coarse he didn't.

Happy thoughts for my home, pets and belongings please.


overworkedmom's picture

An old toothbrush and a bucket of soapy water... when was the last time all the baseboards were scrubbed? }:)

lillfiredog's picture

Your DH sounds like mine, halfassed.... for all chores! Blah! Hope your house is ok when you get home. I used to worry the same way when my BS was home alone... he was pretty wild. Sad

HadEnoughx5's picture

I think the male gender specifically fucks up chores so that women will "just do it". They figure if they do the "half ass job", we'll get tired enough and will never ask them to do it again. That strategy doesn't work for me. DH and the skids can screw up all they want with their shit because I don't care.

I don't care if skids eat, have clean rooms or clean clothes. I don't care if they can't find their belongings and live their lives in chaos. }:)

HadEnoughx5's picture

Although, if my DH doesn't do his part, his crap will end up on his tool bench in the basement.


I sent an email to everyone in my home, stating a new rule. It was like my DH's rule, he said that anything left in the bathroom after 30 minutes of using the bathroom, will be thrown away.

I stated that I will be cleaning each room of the house. (I'm heave hoeing a lot of crap in this house) After I am done cleaning the room, I will send an email that the room is done. Anything left around after using it will be thrown away. }:)

BTW- Prince has lost more clothing because he would rather play video games, than keep his clothes }:) I don't tell DH that Prince has left xyz in the bathroom, I just let the consequences role in Dirol

Drac0's picture

Don't want to turn this into a male vs female debate but my wife does this too (see my post below). She'll take things out, do what needs to be done with them, but she'll rarely put it away. SS does this too. I think it's a trait that DW may have picked up from her father....Oh snap! Men really are the cause of this! :O

floridianmama's picture

Well that's more than my husband will do. He doesn't care he'll just let stepson wear dirty clothes. O
When step son moved in with us it made us a family of 5 and until then I had taken care of everybody's laundry and bedding. After that it just became overwhelming and I would have to force him to help. 14 months ago we had a baby so now we're a family of 6. I straight stopped washing any of DH 's clothes, which to him means buy new clothes so he has clean ones. I will do one load of SS laundry once every two weeks. that's it. DH hasn't found a job, he should be doing laundry.

Drac0's picture

If you ever get an explanation as to why they do that, could you share with me please? SS and DW are notorious for things like that. They'll make themselves something to eat but leave everything out. I come hom to find boxes of cereal opened, the milk still sitting on the counter, loaves of bread still opened, ect. Same thing goes for laundry, gardening, ect. I appreciate that they do a chore, but everything gets "left out" you know what I mean? After DW mopped the floor she left the mop and the bucket of dirty water out in the living room. I decided to wait until someone would say something about it. I didn't have to because the dog's water dish got empty and - well you can figure out the rest.